David J Ciuk Associate Professor of Government, Department Chair of Government

email: david.ciuk@fandm.edu


Ph.D.: Michigan State University, 2011.

M.A.: UMass Amherst, 2006.

B.A.: UMass Amherst, 2004.

Teaching and Research 

Professor Ciuk received his Ph.D. in political science from Michigan State University.  His scholarship centers on the formation of political attitudes, their organization, and how and when they change.  His current research focuses on the role of values in political attitudes and behavior, how people balance the use of party cues and policy-relevant information when making political choices, and the role of emotion in political decision making.  To date, he has been published in Political BehaviorPolitical CommunicationPolitical PsychologyPolitical Research Quartlerly, Social Science QuarterlyResearch & Politics, and several edited volumes.



Journal Articles

Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, David J. Ciuk, Andrew Kirkpatrick, and Rachel Bitecofer. Forthcoming. “Seeing is Believing: The Role of Place in Mitigating Partisan Attitudes Towards the Environment.” State and Local Government Review

Ciuk, David J. 2023. "Value Disagreement and Partisan Sorting in the American Mass Public." Political Research Quarterly 76: 60-74.

Ciuk, David J. and Joshua Rottman. 2021.  "Moral Conviction, Emotion, and the Influence of Episodic versus Thematic Frames."  Political Communication 38: 519-538.

Troy, Allison S., Shadman Saquib, Jennifer Thal, and David J. Ciuk.  2019.  "The Regulation of Negative and Positive Affect in Response to Daily Stressors." Emotion 19: 751-763.

Ciuk, David J.  2018.  “Assessing the Contextual Stability of Moral Foundations: Evidence from a Survey Experiment.”  Research & Politics 5(2): 1-9.

Ciuk, David J., Robert N. Lupton, and Judd R. Thornton.  2018.  “Values Voters: The Conditional Effect of Income on the Relationship between Core Values and Political Attitudes and Behavior.”  Political Psychology 39: 869-888.

Ciuk, David J.  2017. “Democratic Values? A Racial Group-Based Analysis of Core Political Values, Partisanship, and Ideology.” Political Behavior 39: 479 –501.

Ciuk, David J.  2016 .  “Americans’ Value Preferences Pre- and Post-9 /11.”  Social Science Quarterly 97: 407 –417.

Ciuk, David J. and Berwood A. Yost.  2016.  “The Effects of Issue Salience, Elite Influence, and Policy Content on Public Opinion.”  Political Communication 33: 328 –345.

Ciuk, David J. and William G. Jacoby.  2015 .  “Checking for Systematic Value Preferences Using the Method of Triads.”  Political Psychology 36: 709 –728.

Lonsdorf, Elizabeth V., A. Catherine Markham, Matthew R. Heintz, Karen E. Anderson, David J. Ciuk, Jane Goodall, and Carson M. Murray.  2014 . “Sex Differences in Wild Chimpanzee Infant Development.”  PLOS ONE.


Book Chapters 

Ciuk, David J. and Berwood A. Yost. 2020. “Experimental Mortality.” In Experimental Methods in Survey Research: Techniques that Combine Random Sampling with Random Assignment, eds. Paul J. Lavrakas, Michael W. Traugott, Courtney Kennedy, Allyson L. Holbrook, Edith D. de Leeuw, and Brady T. West. Wiley.

Jacoby, William G. and David J. Ciuk.  2018.  “Multidimensional Scaling: An Introduction.” In Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Psychometric Testing, eds. Paul Irwing, Tom Booth and David Hughes. Wiley-Blackwell.

Ciuk, David J. 2016 . “Value Measurement.” In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, ed. Ali Farazmand. Springer.

Ciuk, David J. and Kurt Pyle. 2011 . “Hierarchical Models; Resampling Methods; Social and Political Cognition.” In Encyclopedia of Political Science, eds. George Thomas Kurien, James E. Alt, Simone Chambers, Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain. Washington DC: CQ Press. (Three entries)

Ciuk, David J., William G. Jacoby and Kurt Pyle. 2011 . “Measurement.” In Encyclopedia of Political Science, eds. George Thomas Kurien, James E. Alt, Simone Chambers, Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain. Washington DC: CQ Press.