Outdoor Sculpture

Franklin & Marshall College has an impressive collection of sculptures across campus. Stop into the Phillips Museum of Art to pick up a Public Art Tour brochure.


Dan Kainz (American,  b. 1949). Harmony1993. Vermont marble. Gift of the Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation, Allentown, Pennsylvania, #2015.00.1496.

Location: Near College Avenue on the same side as the Steinman College Center 


Woods Davy (American, b. 1949). Chesapeake,  1985. Steel and stone. Gift of Stephen D. Moses, Esq. '55, #5058.

Location:  In front of Stager Hall, near the Diplomatic Café

War Memorial for the 21st Century

Linda Cunningham (American, b. 1939). A War Memorial for the 21st Century, 1987, rededicated in 2002. Bronze. Gift of Linda Cunningham, #5455.

Location: South side of the Phillips Museum of Art, near the Kneedler Sculpture Garden

Abraham de Peyster

George E. Bissell (American, 1839–1920). Abraham de Peyster, 1895. Cast bronze. Commissioned by John Watts de Peyster (1821–1907), #2073.

Location: Buchanan Avenue near Winter Visual Arts Center

Benjamin Franklin

Arlene Love (American, b. 1930). Benjamin Franklin, 1986. Cast bronze. Commissioned by the Philadelphia Regional Alumni Council, 1983, #2230.

Location: North side of the Shadek-Fackenthal Library

John Marshall

Arlene Love (American, b. 1930). John Marshall, 2000. Cast bronze. Commissioned by the Class of 1999 and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dickstein '47, #2015.00.1502.

Location: North side of the Shadek-Fackenthal Library


Aleko Kyriakos (German, b. 1922). The Phylax (The Sentinel), 1966. Cast bronze. Gift of Nicholas K. Braun P'66, #2076..

Location: South side of the Phillips Museum of Art, near the Kneedler Sculpture Garden

Photograph of the sculpture Castellum after its restoration and installation into the Kneedler Sculpture Garden in April of 2019.

Tedd Pettibon (American, 1958–2014). Castellum, 2009. Steel and wood. The Phillips Museum of Art Collection, #2015.00.1500.

Location: In the Kneedler Sculpture Garden next to the Phillips Museum of Art

Photograph of the sculpture Family after its restoration and installation into the Kneedler Sculpture Garden in April of 2019.

W. Garron  Alexander '70 (American, b. 1949). Family, c. 1970. Coated steel. The Phillips Museum of Art Collection, #2015.00.1501.

 Location: In the Kneedler Sculpture Garden next to the Phillips Museum of Art

A photograph of Paul Sisko's abstract sculpture titled "Split Disk." Made out of blue painted steel the sculpture is circular and split on the bottom, creating two oblong sections that go in either direction and create a base for the work.

Paul Sisko (American, b. 1942). Split Disk, 1980. Painted steel. Gift of the Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation, Allentown, Pennsylvania, #2015.00.1498.

Location: In the Kneedler Sculpture Garden next to the Phillips Museum of Art

Votive K

Fritz Koenig (German, 1924–2017). Votive K, 1962–64. Cast bronze. Gift of Robert W. Sarnoff, #2041.

Location: West side of Meyran Hall and the Barshinger Center

Great Dane

John W. Kearney (American, 1924–2014). Great Dane, 1972. Painted chrome auto bumpers. Gift of Linda and Edward Diamond, M.D. ‘49, # 2015.00.1478.

Location: Between the Winter Visual Arts  Center and the Huegel Alumni House, near the dog park


Edmund Whiting (American, 1918–1975).  Madonna, c. 1970. Limestone. Gift of Edmund Whiting, #2015.00.1499.

Location: Behind the Huegel Alumni House, near the Winter Visual Arts Center


Wilfred Brunner '70 (American, 20th C) and Edmund  Whiting (American, 1918–1975). Sandstone Sculpture, 1970. Sandstone. Gift of Edmund Whiting, #2074.

Location: Between the Huegel Alumni House and the Shadek-Fackenthal Library 

Bronze Relief of Ancient Figures

Aleko Kyriakos (German, b. 1922). Bronze Relief of Ancient Figures, late 20th C. Bronze. The Phillips Museum of Art Collection, #2075.

Location: Between Dietz Hall and the Steinman College Center

Marble Bench

Berj Krikorian (American, b. 1956). Marble Bench, 1993. Vermont marble. Gift of the Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation, Allentown, Pennsylvania, #2015.00.1497.

Location: Near College Avenue in between the Barshinger Center and Stager Hall

Rickey sculpture, Three Lines Horizontal

George Rickey (American, 1907–2002). Three Lines Horizontal, 1965. Stainless steel. Gift of Robert W. Sarnoff, Board of Trustees Chairman (1967–1971), #2040.

Location: In front of the Steinman College Center