F&M Stories
Senior Spotlight: Embracing the Importance of Community
As they prepare for their May 13 Commencement Ceremony, Franklin & Marshall seniors look back at their four years on campus—and what's next.
Name: Lucy Kirkman
Major: English (Creative Writing)
Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe
Activities at F&M: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Women's Rugby, Black Pyramid Senior Honor Society, The Harbaugh Club, Philadelphia Alumni Writers House student staff
What has been your most memorable moment or time here at F&M?
My most memorable time at F&M was when I had the honor, last semester, of bringing Mark Charles to campus to speak at Common Hour. It took so much planning and I was completely overwhelmed by the support of friends, faculty, and especially (former College chaplain) the Rev. Susan Minasian. It was such a relief to have it all come together without any mishaps—it really highlighted the importance of community in pulling something like this off.
What did you enjoy most about your time at the College?
I have most enjoyed procrastinating and going on adventures with my roommate and best friend—the amazing Claire An. It is rare to find a friend like this. Also, office hours that transform into long talks about life and love and capitalism. Professors at F&M are wonderful beings.
What are your plans for after graduation?
I will be going home to Zimbabwe for the summer. After that, my plans are flexible, but for the coming year will include writing, traveling, and doing physical labor in the sun. I will be looking into and applying to grad school programs, too (don't worry, Mum and Dad). During the next two years, I hope to see more of the world, learn more about people, and understand something about this beautiful, awful place where we live.
What advice would you give to rising seniors?
Don't take five classes in your last semester. Don't do it. Go to senior nights and spend time with your roommates. Go downtown even if you have "too much work" to have fun. Don't get too caught up worrying about getting a job or getting into grad school. Trust that it will work out.
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