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Senior Spotlight: Emma Frazier

As they prepare for their May 15 Commencement Ceremony, Franklin & Marshall seniors look back at their four years on campus—and what's next.

Name: Emma Frazier

Major: Psychology

What town do you call home? Bridgewater, Mass.

Activities at F&M:

Women's cross country, women's track and field, Alpha Delta Pi, Student-Athlete Leadership Council (SALC), Environmental Action Alliance (EAA), tutor for School District of Lancaster

Your senior year has been unlike any other in F&M's history. What have you learned about yourself this year?

Something interesting about living during COVID is that it feels like we are stuck in time, but when reflecting back on my senior year and who I was before COVID and now, I realize I have grown and changed a lot. This stage of my life is arguably one that will bring about the most change, and despite all that we lost and the challenges we have faced, F&M put me in a position to find out who I am, what I am passionate about, and what role I want to play in the world. Therefore, although this year has been nothing short of crazy, I feel like I have been able to find a greater sense of purpose and that I am proud of who I am.

What has been your most memorable moment or time here at F&M?

My cross country team's fall 2019 season! Throughout my time at F&M, the goal for my team and coach was to become more competitive in our conference and region. During our 2019 season, everything started to seem to come together, and every practice, workout and race was a blast. We worked really, really hard, but we had a lot of fun, too. When I think of a specific period of time at F&M, that is certainly the first thing that comes to mind, but I also love the day-to-day memories of hanging out on the green, getting Mean Cup coffee or Pine View ice cream, and going to the library with my friends.

What did you enjoy most about your time at the College?

Definitely all of the people around me. In high school, I stuck to myself more and took life too seriously. However, at F&M, I was able to find my people. I love my friends so much and I am thankful to have such fun people who motivate me to be the best version of myself. I know they are all going to do amazing things with their lives, and I am excited for the years of memories ahead! I also have had great mentors along the way. I cannot imagine my college experience without Coach [John] Stoudt and all of the cross country/track coaches who have both challenged me and supported me on and off the track. Likewise, I have had great professors and advisers who have shaped me into a student and person I could have never imagined becoming. With their constant encouragement, I was able to come out of my shell and learn more about myself and what I want in life.

Why did you choose to attend F&M?

I chose to come to F&M because I knew I wanted to run in college, but also wanted to be at a school that would challenge me academically. I met with my coach and future best friend on the day I toured and knew it was meant to be!

What advice do you have for incoming first-years?

Do not be afraid to challenge yourself and try new things. For example, I never imagined joining a sorority, but I made so many great friends. Also, do not be afraid to ask for help and create bonds with your professors. They are here to help you and encourage you, and most importantly, they are great at it. But, above all, be sure to take time to have fun and laugh with your friends. You are only here for a short time, so make the very most of it while you can!

What are your plans for after graduation?

This fall, I will be attending graduate school at Boston College to earn my master's degree in special education.

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