Nicole C Jones YoungAssociate Professor of Organizational Behavior
About Nicole Jones Young
Nicole Jones Young, PhD, is an Associate professor of Organizational Behavior. Her
primary research interests are within the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations,
with a specific focus on employment of justice-involved individuals and anti-Black
racism within the workplace and academia.
PhD, Management, Organizational Behavior
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
School of Business, Management Department
MBA, Human Resource Management
Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ
BA, Sports Management
Towson University, Towson, MD
Rice, D., Young, N., Taylor, R., Leonard, S. (2024). Politics and Race in the Workplace: Understanding
How and When Trump-Supporting Managers Hinder Black Employees from Thriving at Work. Human Resource Management Journal.
Young, N.C.J. & Keech, J. (2022). Second Chance Hiring: Exploring Consumer Perception of Employers
who Hire Individuals with Criminal Histories, Management Decision, 60(9), 2389-2408.
Rice, D. & Young, N.C.J. (2021). Integrating ethics and inclusion: How and when upper-level managerial leadership impact supervisory inclusiveness. Current Psychology, 1-14.
Rice, D., Young, N.C.J., & Sheridan, S. (2021). Improving Employee Emotional and Behavioral Investments via the Trickle-Down Effect of Organizational Inclusiveness. The Role of Supervisory Moral Identity. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(2), 267-282.
Young, N.C.J. & Anazodo, K.S. (2020). Exploring the Overlooked: Women, Work, & Criminal History. Gender in Management: an International Journal, 35(6), 505-528.
Rice, D., Young, N.C.J., Johnson, D., Walton, R., & Stacy, S. (2020). Leaders' Justice Judgments and Ethical Leadership: Implications for Organizational Inclusion. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(4), 856-869.
Anazodo, K.S., Young, N.C.J., & Ricciardelli, R. (2020). Challenging the status quo: Organizational deviations towards socially responsible behaviours in the age of digitization. The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research (IJR), 9: 206-236.
Young, N.C.J., Griffith, J.N., & Anazodo, K.S. (2019). Exploring the impact of training on equitable access to employment: A gendered perspective of work release programs. Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22(2), 70-86.
Young, N.C.J. & Ryan, A.M. (2019). Criminal history and the workplace: A pathway forward. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(5): 494-504. *Served as Co-Editor for this Special Issue
Minefee, I., Rabelo, V., Stewart, O.J., & Young, N.C.J.* (2018). Leaks in the Academic Pipeline: Minority Success as a Game of Chutes and Ladders. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 17(1): 79-95. *Authors listed in alphabetical order
Griffith, J. & Young, N.C.J. (2017). Hiring ex-offenders? The case of ban the box. Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(6), 501-518.
Gilson, L., Maynard, M. T., Jones Young, N.C., Vartiainen, M., Hakonen, M. (2015). A review of virtual teams & virtuality research over the last decade: Ten themes and ten suggestions for the future. Journal of Management, 41(5), 1313-1337.
Jones Young, N.C. & Powell, G.N. (2015). Hiring Ex-Offenders: A Theoretical Model. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), 298-312.
Young, N.C.J. & Griffith, J. (2024) Employing our Returning Citizens: An Employer-Centric View. Palgrave Publishing. Available online –
Young, N.C.J. (2022). Now Hiring: A Manager’s Guide to Employing Applicants with a Criminal History. Emerald Publishing.
Young, N.C.J., Griffith, J., & Keech, J. (2024). Second Chance Hiring: Exploring Perceptions of
Employers who Hire Individuals with Criminal Histories. In N.C.J. Young and J. Griffith (Eds.) Employing our Returning Citizens: An Employer-Centric View. Palgrave Publishing.
Young, N.C.J. & Anazodo, K.S. (2023). The Visibility of Invisibility: Exploring criminal history appearance and implications to careers. In A. Broadbridge (Ed.) Handbook on Appearance in the Workplace: impact on Career Development, p.287-300, Emerald Publishing.
Johnson, C.P. & Young, N.C.J. (2023). Degrees of Incarceration: Navigating Barriers to Employment. In D.L. Stone, B. Murray, K.M. Lukaszewski, & J.H. Dulebohn (Eds.), Research in Human Resource Management: Forgotten Minorities in Organizations (pp. 239-274). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Maynard, M. T., Gilson, L. L., Jones Young, N.C., & Vartiainen, M. (2017). Virtual teams. In G. Hertel, D. Stone, R. Johnson, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work, p 315-346. London, UK: Wiley.
Young, N.C.J. 2023. Feeling Alone in College? Here's How to Find Your Community. Course Hero.
Young, N.C.J. 2020. Address a racist system that normalizes, perpetuates racial inequities. Dean's
Annual Report for the University of Connecticut School of Business.