How F&M Does the Sciences

When we say “sciences,” we mean subjects that study aspects of the physical and natural world. Areas of study in the sciences include biology, math, animal behavior, computer science, chemistry, physics, public health and more.

Vibrant and inclusive, the sciences at F&M cross boundaries and weave subjects together in ways you didn’t know were possible. As a future scientist, you’ll find we’re committed to your education by providing a place of discovery and forming a culture of collaboration along the path to scientific discovery. At F&M, you’ll learn about the scientific process, engage in critical thinking, take an active role both in and out of the classroom and collaborate with our world-class faculty, who are immersed in a wide variety of cutting-edge research and are eager to welcome you into their laboratories.

Subjects You Can Study

Fieldwork Image-ecohydrology research

Out-of-the-Classroom Learning

Field experience is a fundamental component of teaching and research in the sciences at F&M. You’ll have opportunities to immerse yourself in fieldwork as part of science courses, as well as collaborative and independent research, internships and even weeks- or weekend-long departmental field excursions with faculty and other students to places like Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Grand Canyon, Florida Keys, and Death Valley.

Explore research at F&M

Careers in the Sciences

After graduating from F&M, many of our students pursue advanced degrees and cutting-edge research at leading programs around the world. Other students leverage the skills they've gained from the sciences — the ability to reason, analyze data, and understand scientific methodology among others — and find success in careers in medicine, healthcare, law, government, finance, software development, information technology, engineering, education, and much more.

Explore success beyond F&M »

See Science at F&M in Action

June 28, 2024

Success Beyond F&M: ‘F&M More Than Prepared Me for the Next Steps in My Career’

Meet Nick Tewell '23, a biology major and Spanish minor at F&M who is pursuing his doctor of medicine degree at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. "I have found myself exactly where I envisioned myself when I began my first year at F&M," Tewell said.

June 20, 2024

Success Beyond F&M: Animal Behavior Major Leads ’23 Grad to Enriching Career

Franklin & Marshall’s distinctive animal behavior program helped Sara Dollen ’23 land a job doing what she loves just weeks after graduating. “I chose F&M in part for the unique animal behavior degree that I felt would prepare me well for any animal-related work,” Dollen said.

June 6, 2024

Success Beyond F&M: Conducting Research at a Harvard Medical School Laboratory

Holly Batchelder ’23, who majored in neuroscience and minored in applied mathematics at F&M, originally thought she’d go directly to medical school. But instead, she’s secured a job completing exciting research at a prestigious Harvard Medical School laboratory before attending med school.