Dean's and Honors Lists

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Fall 2024 Semester

Franklin & Marshall College congratulates the following students for their scholarship and inclusion on the Fall 2024 Dean's and Honors Lists.

Students selected for the Dean's or Honors Lists are shared on the this page after the close of the grading process each semester. Franklin & Marshall no longer provides this information to hometown newspapers. Please consult the Publication Instructions found at the bottom of this page if you would like to submit an announcement.

A student earns Honors List recognition for achieving a 3.7 or better grade point average, and Dean's List recognition for achieving a 3.25 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale. In both cases, to be eligible, the student must have satisfactorily completed three course credits in courses for which the standard grading option was utilized. (In addition, there may be no grade below "C-," where "NP" grades are considered to be below "C-.")

Our online lists do not include students who have chosen not to publically release their information. If you wish to have your name removed from future online releases, please contact in the Registrar's Office.

Publication Instructions

Dear Parents of Dean’s and Honors List Students,

We know you’re proud of your F&M student! If you’d like your local paper to publicize the news of your student’s accomplishments, please feel free to use the template below to craft your announcement. Then simply contact the news outlet (s) with the information. Many newspapers have a link on their website to submit local news; others list a “News tips” phone number or address to contact. If the editors require confirmation, please direct them to this page where Dean’s and Honors lists are posted twice a year and kept up to date. 

Suggested language:

____________________, of  (hometown) has been named to the (appropriate list) at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa. ____________ is a (class year) and is majoring in _____________.  The Honors List recognizes a 3.7 or better grade point average. OR The Dean’s List recognizes a 3.25 or better GPA. Founded in 1787, Franklin & Marshall is a top-40 national liberal arts college.

If the paper requests the information, it’s easy to add your student’s high school or other hometown facts.