A Seamless Academic Experience

Our Philosophy

At F&M, off-campus study:

  • Is an experience seamlessly connected with a student's entire education before, during, and after the time spent off campus (as opposed to a “term away from campus”)
  • Should be connected to students’ future academic and career plans and goals
  • Is a process that requires significant intentional planning and reflective thinking
  • Is a platform for students to practice and develop important skills to help them transition from F&M into independent and successful lives and careers

Expected Learning

By studying off campus while at F&M, we hope that students:

  • Become informed, open-minded, and responsible, while developing attentiveness to diversity across the spectrum of differences
  • Develop an understanding of how actions affect both local and global communities, and subsequently identify personal strategies to affect change
  • Identify and address the world’s most pressing and enduring issues collaboratively and equitably

Eligibility Requirements

F&M Eligibility (Semester Programs)

In order to study off campus during the fall or spring semester of the academic year, Franklin & Marshall requires that all students:

  • have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA (though many programs require a higher GPA for application; therefore, a GPA of 2.75* or higher is strongly recommended)
  • have a plan to declare a major area of study
  • be making satisfactory academic progress for an on-time graduation
  • demonstrate evidence of social maturity and responsibility to community
  • not be on any academic or disciplinary probation
  • be classified as juniors or seniors during their off-campus study term**

*Students who intend to apply for a semester or academic year program (NOT summer) whose GPA falls below 2.75 will be required to submit an additional Faculty Recommendation.

**Students who intend to study off campus during the final semester of the senior year must petition the Committee on Academic Status for approval to do so.

Prepare for a competitive process: It is also important to note that off-campus study at F&M during the academic year is increasingly competitive due to high demand for the number of spaces available for off-campus study each semester. Students should be prepared for a process that will require time, thought, preparation, strict deadlines, and regular contact with the student’s academic adviser and OCS adviser.

F&M Eligibility (Summer Programs)

To study during the summer term, F&M requires that all students:

  • complete one year of study at F&M. Students may study off campus during any summer after their first year and before graduation.
  • demonstrate evidence of social maturity and responsibility to community
  • not be on any academic or disciplinary probation

F&M Approval Criteria (Semester Programs)

When determining a student’s approval to apply to a program and term, the International & Off-Campus Study (IOCS) faculty committee will consider the following criteria (in no particular order) as part of a holistic evaluation.

  • Class year
  • Academic flexibility
  • Off-Campus Study requirement within the major/minor
  • Cumulative GPA
  • Knowledge and suitability of selected program & term
  • General organization, preparation, and timeliness
  • Recommendation(s)
  • Essay responses
  • Student conduct and disciplinary record
  • Extenuating factors/circumstances not listed above

Please note that F&M students are eligible for one OCS semester. Previous summer study abroad experience will not negatively impact consideration of application for semester off-campus study.

Program Eligibility

​Note that each program has its own eligibility rules and criteria including GPA, language prerequisites, and course prerequisites.

Most programs require a GPA of 2.75 or higher, but there are many that have a 3.0 GPA requirement, and others like Oxford may even require a 3.7 GPA or above.

As your student explores programs, take note of eligibility requirements like GPA and language or course prerequisites. Your student's off-campus study adviser will also help them think through these requirements as they narrow down program choices.​

Academic Guidelines

Off-campus study should be a demonstrated part of your student's academic study at Franklin & Marshall College. Students will work with their off-campus study adviser and academic adviser to ensure that courses taken off campus can receive credit at F&M. Read below for guidance about credit transfer, course selection, grading policies, and transcripts.

Course Load & Credit Transfer

Students must enroll in what is considered to be a full course load at the host institution or off-campus study program. In many cases, this will be 4 or 5 courses for a semester but could be as few as 2 courses or as many as 6 courses, depending on the program.

When calculating credit, the general rule is: 4 U.S. semester credit hours = 1 F&M credit.

Because many off-campus study programs offer courses worth 3 U.S. semester credit hours, F&M will award 4 F&M credits for a total of 15 or 16 U.S. semester credit hours.

For a semester term, students MUST be enrolled in a total of 15-16 U.S. semester credit hours to receive 4 F&M credits.

While off campus, students can take courses toward exploration requirements (Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, World Perspectives, Language Studies), as well as toward major or minor requirements. Additionally, students can take courses as "general elective" credit, or credit towards the 32 credits needed to graduate.

CAUTION! It is important to note that Franklin & Marshall cannot issue transfer credit for a course in a department that is not represented at F&M. If a course does not clearly fall within an existing F&M department, the off-campus study advising staff can help you determine whether or not it can be accepted for credit. Courses in vocational/pre-professional/career, physical education, engineering, drafting, military science, criminal justice, communications/journalism, tourism/hospitality, most education courses, music lessons, and wine/gastronomy/nutrition are examples of the categories of courses that may not be transferred back to Franklin & Marshall for credit.

Transfer credit will not be granted for a course already taken at Franklin & Marshall. This includes foreign language courses that are required for many off-campus study programs.

Course Selection & Registration

For most programs, students will not be able to finalize course registration until after arrival on the program. However, it is important that your student has thought carefully about the courses they plan to take off campus and how those integrate into their academic work here at F&M. We've outlined a set of questions below that your student may want to ask their OCS adviser and academic adviser as they explore programs and begin their off-campus study application. In advance of meeting with their advisers, your student should explore their intended program's website to see the most up-to-date list of courses available for the term they will be off campus, and begin to make a tentative list of courses they're interested in taking.

Questions for your student's OCS adviser:
  • How many courses do I need to take on my program?
  • Where do I find courses that might be available on my program?
  • My program requires an orientation course — is this appropriate for credit at F&M?
  • I'm interested in a course in a department that we don't have at F&M (communication, criminal justice, education or engineering, for example). How do I know if I can receive credit for this here?
  • What is the process for getting courses pre-evaluated for credit?
Questions for your student's academic adviser:  
  • What degree requirements do I have left to complete? What major/minor requirements do I have left to complete? Which ones am I required to take at F&M? (see Degree Planning Worksheet below).
  • How many major/minor courses can I fulfill abroad? Are there any department-specific policies or restrictions regarding off-campus study of which I should be aware?
  • Are there particular requirements you recommend that I should or should not try to complete abroad?
  • If I find courses I'm interested in taking off campus, who should I speak to in the relevant department about whether or not they would be appropriate for my major or minor requirements?
Once your student has been approved by F&M to apply to an off-campus study program, they will be directed to the course evaluation process. This process is very important in ensuring that the courses your student takes off campus are appropriate for credit at F&M and ensure they stay on track for graduation.

Grading Policy

Courses on off-campus study programs must be taken for a letter grade, not on a pass/no pass basis.

All courses taken abroad that are transferable back to F&M will be posted on the F&M transcript. Students cannot request that courses be left off the F&M transcript.

For all programs except the Advanced Studies in England program and the Summer Travel Courses, letter grades from off-campus study program courses will appear on the Franklin & Marshall transcript, but they will not be calculated into the cumulative GPA.
This means that off-campus grades will not affect scholarship eligibility or rank in class. However, many graduate and professional schools will consider these grades as part of the GPA and will recompute all grades when considering applications. Again, the Advanced Studies in England program and Summer Travel Courses are the only exceptions to this policy; for these programs, grades will appear on the F&M transcript and be calculated into a student's GPA.

Students must earn a D- or better to gain credit for a course.

Program Transcripts

During the application process, students should provide an address to which the program will send a transcript. That address is:

Sarah Esh
Associate Registrar
Registrar's Office
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003

Program transcripts are typically sent within two to three months of completion of a program. When the transcript arrives, students will see a note in Degree Works.


Off-Campus Study Housing

Housing options during your student’s off-campus study program will vary by program.

Some programs may allow students to choose their housing option; other programs require all students to live in a certain type of housing. Typical housing arrangements may include apartments, homestays, or on-campus housing at a local university. Some housing options (especially homestays) include meals, and other housing options (like university apartments) do not, so it's important to pay attention to this detail when exploring programs.

In order to maximize cultural immersion and integration, F&M students may not live with other F&M students in the same program. The only exceptions to this rule include a homestay or a Summer Travel Course. Two F&M students may live together with a host family or as part of a Summer Travel Course.

Please note that some programs may offer students the option to pursue independent housing (outside of the regular housing options provided by the program). F&M does not allow students to choose independent housing unless there is a significant academic or cultural reason (such as wanting to live in a homestay when only apartment housing is provided). Independent housing carries many risks, and F&M and the program provider cannot provide any support to students who pursue independent housing.

Students who are interested in pursuing independent housing will need to contact their off-campus study advisor to petition for approval to pursue this option.

F&M Housing​

Whether your student lives in on-campus F&M housing or approved off-campus F&M housing, it is important that your student communicates their off-campus study plans early on to their housing management, especially if they have a signed lease. Many students have made their own arrangements with friends who will be studying off campus in the opposite semester so that they share the same room throughout an academic year. Others post their housing inquiries and needs to the F&M student housing bulletin.

If your student has any questions about their F&M housing before or after their off-campus study term, encourage them to contact F&M Housing at housing@fandm.edu.


Reference the guidelines below to learn more about the billing and financial aid policies for students studying off campus for a summer or semester. We work in collaboration with the F&M Student Accounts and the Office of Financial Aid. If you have any questions related to those specific areas, you can find information below to contact them directly.

Semester Tuition Fees (Invoiced by F&M)

For programs taking place during the academic year, students will be invoiced for their normal F&M tuition and in turn, F&M will pay the off-campus study program's tuition.

Families who wish to use the monthly payment plan through Transact Campus Services may do so for tuition fees billed by F&M.

Semester Non-tuition Fees (Invoiced by Program)

All other non-tuition fees (program fees, housing, insurance, etc.) for semester programs will be invoiced directly from the program and not F&M. These costs are not included in F&M's tuition and are therefore not included on the F&M tuition bill. Students are responsible for paying these program-invoiced, non-tuition fees directly to their program.

Non-tuition fees that are paid to the host program cannot be included in the Transact Campus Services monthly plan. Contact the program directly to determine if they offer a monthly plan for payment of non-tuition fees.

Semester Additional Estimated Fees

Additional Tuition Fees

During the academic year, the cost for field trips, study tours, and labs that are a required part of a course taken for credit in an off-campus study program will be paid for by Franklin & Marshall as part of tuition. (There are some restrictions regarding study tours with DIS.)
Your student can discuss these options with their OCS adviser to fully understand what costs will be covered by their tuition.

Additional Non-Tuition Fees

Students should also expect to budget for items not included in the fees invoiced by the program. These can include passport fees, visa fees, immunizations, travel to/from program site, books, meals, phone, and personal travel and expenses. Students are encouraged to view estimates of these additional costs, which are available on the program webpages or can be provided by the program. Students are also encouraged to disclose budgetary concerns with the OCS Advisor in order to be directed to programs with more affordable non-tuition costs and lower costs of living.

Program Deposits

For summer and semester programs, all students will pay any required program deposits directly to the off-campus study program. F&M does not pay program deposits on a student's behalf.

Applying F&M Financial Aid to Semester Programs

During the academic year, students will continue to be eligible for their normal financial aid package (except work/study) during the semester off campus. This includes loans and gift aid received from federal, institutional and state sources. Your annual estimated family contribution as generated by your FAFSA will remain the same regardless of program costs.

Students who receive Grant-in-Aid benefits will continue to access these benefits for the semester off campus. This benefit is only available to students of eligible full-time F&M faculty and staff. Students who receive Tuition Exchange benefits will continue to access these benefits for the semester off campus.

Students whose financial aid award exceeds the amount of F&M tuition will be sent a refund, which should be used to pay the non-tuition fees billed by the student's program. Refunds are typically released approximately two weeks after the start of F&M's semester, and refunds will be direct deposited into the student's bank account or mailed to the student's home address if direct deposit is not set up. If you wish to have the refund mailed to another address, contact the F&M Student Accounts office (see contact information below).

Additional Scholarships

In addition to the financial aid your student typically receives from F&M, they may be eligible for additional scholarships. Please see the OCS Scholarships & Grants section below for a list of potential scholarships for off-campus study summer and semester programs. The sources listed are not exhaustive but do offer a wide range of scholarship possibilities. Many scholarships have early deadlines, so encourage your student to start early and plan accordingly. Your student can consult their OCS adviser for guidance and more information.

Please note that any outside scholarship must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid at Franklin & Marshall and may change the amount of aid your student receives from the College.

Summer Program Costs & Billing

Students participating in off-campus study programs during the summer term will be billed for the full cost of the program by the program. Franklin & Marshall will not be involved in the billing process.

Students who receive a federal Pell Grant should ask the F&M Office of Financial Aid if they will receive Pell Grant funding for their summer off-campus study program. All other F&M financial aid is typically not eligible to be used for summer programs.

Students may apply for F&M Summer Travel Awards, F&M summer departmental awards, and other external scholarships for funding assistance for summer programs (see OCS Scholarships & Grants below).

Program Consortium Agreements

If your student will be applying federal financial aid to an off-campus study program, they will be required to complete a "Consortium Agreement" as part of a federal requirement to have your funds released.

Your student will receive information from the F&M Office of Financial Aid when it is time for them to complete this process. Your student will also receive guidance from F&M Off-Campus Study to help them navigate the steps. It is very important that your student pays attention to any emails that mention this requirement so that their federal aid can be applied to their off-campus study term.

F&M Financial Aid Questions

If your student has questions regarding their specific financial aid package at F&M, encourage them to email the financial aid office at financialaid@fandm.edu.

F&M Student Account & Billing Questions

If your student has any questions regarding their student account, encourage them to email the billing and student accounts office at studentaccounts@fandm.edu.

Off-Campus Study Semester Costs Calculator

Download this cost worksheet to get an idea of off-campus study semester costs. Input any financial aid your student receives as well as any non-tuition costs for the program they are interested in. You may complete a worksheet for each program your student is considering in order to compare costs across programs.

Calculate costs



In addition to the financial aid your student typically receives from F&M, they may be eligible for additional scholarships. Below is a list of potential scholarships for summer, semester, and academic year off-campus study programs. The sources listed here are not exhaustive but do offer a wide range of scholarship possibilities. Many scholarships have early deadlines, so encourage your student to start early and plan accordingly. Your student can consult their off-campus study adviser for guidance and more information. Please note that any outside scholarship must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid at Franklin & Marshall and may change the amount of aid your student receives from the College.

Program Scholarships (Semester & Summer)

There are often scholarships available through your student's selected program, which may require a separate application and have an earlier deadline. Don't see your student's program listed below? Your student can ask their program directly or their F&M OCS adviser.

F&M Summer Travel Awards (Summer)

Franklin & Marshall offers a number of summer travel awards for students participating in study abroad programs or volunteer programs, or conducting independent research. The International & Off-Campus Study (IOCS) faculty committee administers the awards. Read the award descriptions for more information about eligibility. The maximum amount for an award is $3000.

There are also F&M Departmental Summer Travel Awards, administered by the awarding F&M academic department.

Gilman Scholarships (Semester & Summer)

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship offers grants of $1,000 - $5,000 for U.S. citizens receiving federal Pell Grant funding. The program aims to encourage students to choose non-traditional study and intern destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to support students who have been traditionally under-represented in education abroad, including but not limited to, students with high financial need, community college students, students in underrepresented fields such as the sciences and engineering, students with diverse backgrounds, and students with disabilities.

Boren Awards (Semester)

Boren Awards, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.

Boren Scholars represent a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation.

Students must apply well in advance of their intended off-campus study term. Students will work with Dean Sue Mennicke regarding the application process and must submit materials to Dean Mennicke no later than January 10 of the previous year. Application materials will then be reviewed by an F&M faculty committee.

Critical Language Scholarships (Summer)

The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education, and Cultural Affairs offer full funding for the study of languages deemed critical. Students spend eight to ten weeks abroad during the summer studying one of 15 critical languages. Meet with the Office of International Programs staff to begin the process of exploring credit transfer for a program. Applications for summer are due the prior November.

Fund for Education Abroad (Semester & Summer)

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) provides scholarships of up to $10,000 to underrepresented students and those with a demonstrated financial need.


Summer Travel Awards

Franklin & Marshall offers a number of summer travel awards for students participating in study abroad programs or volunteer programs, or conducting independent research. The International & Off-Campus Study (IOCS) faculty committee administers the awards. Read the award descriptions for more information about eligibility. The maximum amount for an award is $3000.

Bagdasarian Award

Brittain Award

Margery Brittain '79 Foreign Travel Award

This award supports educational travel for the purpose of conducting research or completing a course of study in a country where the student has not previously resided for any appreciable length of time. Preference will be given to Modern Language majors who will be enrolled at the College in a semester following the award.

Eligible to apply: current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors

Davis Projects for Peace Grant

Evans Award

John Kryder Evans Scholar Summer Study & Travel Award

This award is intended for educational summer travel outside the United States. The selected candidate must show quality of character, personal and intellectual promise, and an enthusiasm for learning from international experience.

There are no limitations of major or destination; however, preference will be given to students whose projects reflect ethical or social concerns of our time, such as human or animal rights, social justice, peace-building, social entrepreneurship, climate change, immigrant or refugee populations, health, education, or international diplomacy.

Eligible to apply: current sophomores, and juniors

Mayaud Award

Charles J.G. Mayaud Memorial Travel Fund

This award supports study and/or educational travel for Franklin & Marshall students outside the United States during the summer between semesters, or the summer following graduation.

Recipients must show quality of character, personal and intellectual promise, and an enthusiasm for learning from an international experience. There are no limitations of major, area of interest, or destination. Although formal academic programs may be acceptable, especially in areas where student may not be expected to travel on their own, projects usually involve individual study and research, creative arts projects or public service with a research component.

Eligible to apply: current sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Mueller Award

Paul A Mueller, Jr. Summer Award Fund

This award enables rising juniors to pursue worthy projects that provide important opportunities for personal growth; to develop independence, creativity and leadership skills; and to broaden or deepen some area of special interest. The award is intended to allow students the freedom to pursue areas of personal interest that they might otherwise be unable or unlikely to explore further.

Note: While this award will support project travel costs when applicable, travel outside the U.S. is not a requirement of the award.

Eligible to apply: current sophomores

Voyages Award

Penny Johnston Voyages Travel Award Fund

This fund supports summer international travel opportunities for the purpose of work, internship, research or study. Such opportunities should take place in a country where the student has not previously resided for any appreciable length of time and preference will be given to students pursuing opportunities focused on public health, humanitarian efforts, or education.

Eligible to apply: current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors


Department Summer Travel Awards

Many F&M fields of study offer departmental summer travel awards, which are administered by the awarding F&M academic department. Read the award descriptions for more information about eligibility.

Art & Art History: Junior Summer Study Award

The Junior Summer Study Award in Studio Art was established in 2000 by a Franklin & Marshall alumnus who currently wishes to remain anonymous. The Junior Summer Study Award in Studio Art provides up to $1,500 (possibly more with higher expenses) to help a junior Studio Art Major pursue studio interests, in any location and for any length of time, with preference to the summer between the junior and senior year.

Biology: Huffnagle Scholarship

Through a generous bequest from the estate of Harry W. and Mary B. Huffnagle, the Biology Department awards up to three scholarships per year for students to do summer course work or research at a biological field station of their choice, in the areas of ecology, environmental science, or behavior. Eligible students are BIO majors (including double, joint, and special-studies majors), BMB majors, BFB majors, and ENV SCI majors and ENV STU majors and minors. The scholarship cannot be used during the summer following graduation. The number of awards and their dollar amounts depend each year on the number of applicants, the strengths of the proposals, and the costs of the programs. Therefore, in some cases an individual award may not cover the full cost of the program. Recent awards have been in the range of $500 to $1500.

Classics: Sophomore Summer Travel Award

This award, established by the late Dean of the College Bradley R. Dewey in 1986, is open to a sophomore who, before March, and in consultation with the Department Chair, Professor Zachary Biles, declares a major or minor in Classics. Preference will be given to majors. The award will be in the amount of $3,000.

Dance: Greco Summer Study Award

The F&M Dance Program is accepting applications for the Greco Summer Study Award, named for the world-renowned Spanish-dance artist, José Greco (1918–2000). After a long and illustrious career, leading his own dance company, performing live, on television, and on film, Greco was Visiting Professor of Dance at Franklin and Marshall College, starting in 1993; he taught at F&M until two months before he died (see http://josegrecofoundation.org/history.html). An inspiring and demanding teacher, Greco brought the world of Spanish dance to his students. Donations made by former students, friends, and colleagues in his memory permit us to offer this travel award in his honor.

The Greco Summer Study Award provides up to $1000 toward a selected student’s participation in a summer dance study program that has the potential to expand the student’s understanding and experience of dance in such areas as technique, composition, context, and performance. It may be applied toward the student’s tuition, room and board, or travel. Students are selected for the Greco Summer Study Award based on dance faculty members’ evaluation of the student’s application, due on March 1. Faculty members may choose to award smaller sums to several students, the total of all awards in any year not to exceed $1000. It is anticipated that students receiving this award will be returning to campus the following year; seniors, thus, are not normally eligible.

English: Alice & Ray Drum British Isles Summer Travel Award

The Alice and Ray Drum British Isles Summer Travel Award, first given in 2001, offers $1,500 to support summer research in the British Isles. The award is enabled by a donation by Dr. Alice Drum, Vice President from 1988-2001 as well as a professor in the areas of English literature and Women's Studies; and by Dr. Ray K. Drum, who taught for more than thirty years at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, and who is also an enthusiast of traveling and hiking in the British Isles. Winners, with a preference for English majors who will be enrolled at the College in the semester following the award, will be chosen by a faculty committee appointed by the Provost.

French: Butler Award

Honoring the late Professor Butler, for many years chair of the Department of French and Italian, this award supports educational travel for at least one high-achieving student of French. Awards are usually in the amount of $500-750. Preference is given for the summer following the sophomore or junior year and to applicants with financial need.

French: Griffin Award

The late professor of French John A. Griffin endowed this award of up to $1500 annually, to be bestowed on the writer of "the best piece of creative work in French Literature at the third-year level." Applicants should therefore submit a paper on a literary topic written for a French course, normally at the 300-level, along with a carefully planned proposal for summer travel and/or study in France.

German: Seadle Award

The Seadle Award supports a language course, special project or internship in a German-speaking country. Recipients, selected by the Department of German and Russian, must be non-native speakers of German who have completed their sophomore year, demonstrate a serious interest in German language and culture, and have successfully taken courses through the German 202 level.

Japanese: Honaman Award

The Honaman Japanese Study Fund supports students studying in Japan. Awards will be given on the basis of demonstrated financial need.

Judaic Studies: Bank Summer Study Award

In memory of his late parents, Pearl and Maury Bank, Lawrence H. Bank, Esq. '65 established the Bank Summer Study Award to support Franklin & Marshall students in studying abroad during the summer in the field of Judaic Studies. The amount of the award is $2,500 to be distributed to one or several participants. It will be granted to students with a strong academic record and whose proposal demonstrates clarity and focus in the area of Judaic Studies.

Judaic Studies: Dickmont Research Fund

Established by Matthew Kames Esq. '73 and Richard Sussman '73 to provide a Judaic Studies student, wishing to work in the area of Judaic Studies and who has an exemplary academic record, with a stipend for Judaic Studies independent research. The recipient, who will be known as the Dickmont Research Scholar, will be selected by Judaic Studies faculty. The amount of the award is $1,200 to be distributed to one or several participants.

Music: Nolt Music Award

The Nolt Music Award is a grant of up to $3000 enabling Franklin & Marshall student musicians to undertake musically enriching projects. Possible projects include taking lessons with a member of a major orchestra or opera company resulting in a recital, attending a summer music festival in the U.S. or abroad, funding the premiere of a student composition, undertaking a research or field-work trip, going to a major metropolitan area to attend/critique a series of concerts or operas, or funding a tour by the Nolt Scholar's chamber ensemble. Awards of more than $3000 may be possible upon special request. Any enrolled Franklin & Marshall student may apply; however, projects must be completed prior to the student's graduation.

Russian: Russell Summer Study Award

The Russell Award to promote the study of Russian language and culture was made possible by the generosity of the late Dorothy Chapman in honor of her parents. The award, with a value of $3,000 (or more if exceptional expenses warrant and funds are available), is to be used in Russia for formal study and educational travel. Preference will be given to full-time students who have reached an advanced level in the Russian language and who will be returning to campus for further study, but others will also be considered.

Theatre: Pywell Award

This award was created in memory of Geoff Pywell, a member of the faculty in theatre, and of Joan Mowbray, secretary of the Department of Theatre, Dance & Film. The award recognizes a rising sophomore or junior student's achievement and potential in acting. The $1,500 award supports that student's summer study in acting or directing in a program approved by the TDF faculty.

Theatre: Schaffner Award

This award honors outstanding contributions to the Theatre program. The $5000 award gives the recipient(s) the opportunity to study theatre by attending English theatre productions and/or enrolling in theatre programs in England.

Fellowships & Post-Graduate Funding Opportunities

F&M also offers fellowships, which are typically competitive, merit-based scholarships or grants that fund research or study at the undergraduate or graduate level. Some fellowships promote service learning, foreign language study, internships/work abroad, or graduate school. Fellowships can range from short-term summer courses to multi-year graduate programs throughout the world. These are not part of F&M Off-Campus Study, but students are encouraged to contact the F&M Office of Fellowships for more information.

We have also compiled a list of post-grad funding and opportunities for F&M Diplomats who are interested in continuing their lifelong global journeys after graduation.

Learn more

Emma Frazier '21, Fulbright location: Athens College-Hellenic American Educational Foundation (HAEF)