F&M Stories

Grads Give Best Advice to Incoming Class

Before Commencement, we asked members of Franklin & Marshall’s Class of 2024: If you could give one piece of advice to the students who will start attending F&M this fall, what would that be?

The advice ranges from practical to passionate. Class of 2028, we can’t wait to hear what advice you will give students in your senior year at F&M!

“College is a time for exploration and testing hypotheses. Take a class or two outside of your main interest — you might be surprised by what you discover.”

– Olha Shapovalenko ’24

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“Seek support. Whether it's academic assistance, mental health resources or guidance from professors and advisers, don't hesitate to reach out for support when you need it. F&M has a wealth of resources available to help you succeed.”

– Genesis Familia ’24

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“Take advantage of the classes, opportunities and moments that might not line up completely with your assumed path or interests. Spaces and people that push us outside our comfort zone and provide us with new vantage points will always pay off.”

– Roxana “Roxy” Calder ’24

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“Don't hesitate to reach out and leverage F&M’s alumni network. Alumni can offer valuable insights, advice and opportunities to help you navigate your college experience and prepare for your future career. Take advantage of this supportive community and connect with alumni who share your interests and aspirations. They can be valuable mentors and resources as you embark on your journey at F&M.”

– Omar Nichols ’24

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“Be compassionate to yourself. The next four years are a time of learning and allowing yourself to make mistakes without having your life figured all out immediately. Sometimes, you have to take it one day at a time.”

– Rachel Rubins ’24

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“First, do not hesitate to try things. College life is so much fun, so don’t miss new opportunities. Also, always plan ahead. Avoiding unforeseen circumstances is necessary, especially when the workload is heavy.”

– Huaizhi Liu ’24

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“Don’t be afraid to take risks and push yourself outside your comfort zone! It can lead you down a path you might not have ever considered.”

– Micheala Patalano ’24

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“Learn from everyone around you, your professors and peers, and be open to new ideas and the experiences of others. You are at college to learn.”

– Ryan Mullahey ’24

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“I would tell incoming students that college is stressful and overwhelming at times, but above all, it is fun. It is a place to meet people and learn about yourself, so take advantage of the opportunities with which you are provided at F&M and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

– Meredith Mangum ’24

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“Don't overcomplicate things. Enjoy the process of working toward something that you're passionate about. I spent a lot of time just trying to think about what would make other people happy. Over time, I've come to realize that my own happiness is just as important as trying to make other people proud.”

– Chilamo Taylor ’24

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