2024 Annual Report of Giving
Dear F&M Alumni, Families and Friends
Thank you for your remarkable commitment to Franklin & Marshall College. Our Annual Report of Giving provides a glimpse into the meaningful influence of your generosity, highlighting transformational gifts and service to our great college during the most recent fiscal year. These stories feature a few of the thousands of individuals who empower F&M to provide an exceptional liberal arts education, which prepares students to be the Diplomats the world needs. Please share their stories – and your own F&M story! – far and wide. Together, we will inspire others to join us in supporting the F&M mission.- Barbara K. Altmann, President & Professor of French
‘Reckoning with Lancaster’ Grant Explores County’s Complex History
Franklin & Marshall College is one of just 10 liberal arts colleges to be named a new recipient of a Humanities for All Times grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. With a $1.4 million grant from the foundation, a new F&M project — "Reckoning with Lancaster" — is exploring and addressing the complex history of Lancaster and the College's role in that story.
Wrestling Scholarships Create Opportunity for F&M's Historic Program
Franklin & Marshall Wrestling is one of the oldest and most successful sports at the College, and to this day wrestling is the College’s only NCAA Division I program. In January 2024, F&M celebrated the 100th anniversary of wrestling as an intercollegiate sport — a historic milestone that coincided with the creation of the Franklin & Marshall College Wrestling Scholarship Endowment.
Karis Mardirossian ’24 is the youngest child of her parents, Marianne and Aris. She
found exactly what she was looking for in a college, and what she needed, at F&M.
Her parents were so pleased with Karis’ experience, they wanted to help other students
have that same opportunity. They are making that possible with the Mardirossian Endowed
Financial Aid Fund. In honor of his mentor and colleague, John E. Fischer ’77 and his wife Dotti established
the Robert E. Donohoe ’73 Endowed Scholarship Fund, and later the Fischer Family Endowed
Scholarship, both supporting financial aid in perpetuity. Sarah Reigner Mason ’99 has always found herself drawn to community and service. Now,
she’s spearheading powerful F&M connections in her own backyard of Rhode Island. Michael L. Mark ’74 was saluted by classmates and faculty alike for his academic accomplishments,
his determination and hard work, and his integrity. After graduating from law school,
he began a 40-year career in public service. And not surprisingly, he then gave back
to future generations of students at his alma mater by establishing an endowed scholarship
fund. A voracious appetite for reading began at an early age for Mark Lewis ’77. That love
for learning guided Lewis to F&M and continues to inspire him to give back to the
College. A donor since 1987, Lewis is a recent inductee into the John Marshall Society,
a growing group of alumni and friends who have made lifetime gifts totaling $100,000
or more. During F&M's fifth annual Day of Giving, gifts from students, alumni, parents, faculty,
staff and friends helped the College exceeded our goal and secure $558,000 for F&M
students. That success is due in part to challenges offered by members of the F&M
community — including student challenges put forth by members of the F&M's Parents
Council, who provided $10,000 to inspire student philanthropy. “I look back and appreciate my time as a student-athlete at F&M, and I want to support
that for future F&M students,” Jennifer Dubow ’04 says. “Through my work, I've seen
how athletic departments are never fully funded, even though many from the outside
would assume that they are. I see all the good work that coaches and administrators
do for these young people and want to contribute to F&M being a great place for student-athletes
to have an amazing collegiate experience while getting a high-quality education.” Tanner ’19 and Crystal (Good) Erisman ’18 have consistently given back to F&M through
philanthropy since graduating and have served as organizers and ambassadors at campus
class reunion socials, sporting events, and even guest speaking in classes. As GOLD
alumni - Graduates Of the Last Decade – they are among the College’s emerging leaders. During 2024's True Blue Weekend, more than one dozen F&M alumni were celebrated for
the countless contributions they have made to the College and to their careers and
industries. 6,738 Fiscal Year 2024 Donors 4,261 Fiscal Year 2024 Alumni Donors $18.99 million Commitments to Give $20.87 million Gift ReceiptsHelping to Make F&M’s Caring Community Available to Others
Providing Opportunities in Perpetuity
F&M in Rhode Island: Alum Fosters F&M Connections in Her Own Backyard
1974 Graduate Established Endowed Scholarship Fund; Family, Friends Contribute in
His Memory
A Love for Liberal Arts: Mark Lewis ’77
Day of Giving Challenges Inspire Student Philanthropy
Supporting Future Diplomats
A Match Made at F&M: Tanner and Crystal Erisman
F&M Honors Exceptional Alumni for Philanthropy, Service and Professional Accomplishment
Giving in Fiscal Year 2024
FY24 Giving by the Numbers
Established and maintained primarily by donor contributions, the endowment fosters
financial stability, leadership and opportunities for today’s and tomorrow’s students. $472,308,906 Total endowment (as of June 30, 2024) $8,646,361 Gifts to the College's endowment in FY24Benjamin Franklin Society
The Benjamin Franklin Society is a leadership giving society whose members support F&M at $1,787 or more between
July 1 and June 30 each year. In FY24, F&M's Benjamin Franklin Society included 654 members.Franklin & Marshall College Endowment
FY24 Franklin & Marshall Fund Gifts
6,175 donors contributed $4,440,966
Every gift to the Franklin & Marshall Fund is vital to every aspect of the F&M student experience — supporting close student-faculty collaboration, energizing campus life, providing opportunities for learning and discovery and preparing students for life after college.
financial aid
Gift Planning
Through deferred giving, members of the William A. Schnader Society invest in Franklin & Marshall's future, guaranteeing that the needs of our students and the College will be met for future generations. F&M received $4,431,425 from bequests and trusts in FY24.
$3,749,727 Financial aid endowment gifts $1,470,865 Franklin & Marshall Fund and current-use financial aid gifts Gifts in support of Diplomat Athletics ensure F&M student-athletes have the resources
needed to succeed in competition and in the classroom. In FY24, support from 2,555
donors raised $808,113 for F&M Athletics, including more than $419,000 as part of
the annual Raise Our Game effort.Financial Aid: Alumni, parents and friends gave $5.2 million for financial aid in
Athletics Gifts
Loyalty: The 1787 Society
F&M's 1787 Society celebrates the loyalty of alumni who support the College through their philanthropy in two or more consecutive years.
2,885 alumni joined or continued as members of the 1787 Society in FY24.
397new alumni joined the 1787 Society.
444 alumni contributed annually the past three to four years.
565 alumni contributed annually the past five to nine years.
833 alumni contributed annually the past 10 to 24 years.
646 alumni contributed annually for 25 or more years.
The Kite and Key Circle
About the Kite & Key Circle
Evoking the soaring kite and shining key associated with College namesake Benjamin Franklin’s most famous experiment, the Kite & Key Circle represents the vision, dedication and transformative impact of Franklin & Marshall’s most benevolent philanthropists. Kite & Key Circle members leave an indelible mark on the College, ensuring that the generosity of the College’s fervent champions upholds and elevates a legacy of excellence for generations to come.
Kite & Key Circle Members
Benjamin J. Winter '67 & Susan R. Winter
The Lux et Lex Society
About the Lux et Lex Society
In 1853, Franklin & Marshall College adopted Marshall’s motto, “Lex et Lux” (Law and Light), but reversed the words to reflect, in order, the achievements of inventor and founding father Benjamin Franklin and jurist John Marshall. The light, from the motto, and the cupola, representing the vision of the College, are shown on the medal for this society, expressing the exceptional impact of the philanthropic support provided by these esteemed supporters today and into the future.
Lux et Lex Society - Individual Members
Robert J. Brooks Sr. '66, P'98 & Susan C. Brooks P'98
Arthur R. Clark Jr.
Estate of Faye L. Gelhard W'57
William M. Hackman '39 & Lucille Hackman
David H. Lehman, Ph.D. '68, P'01 &
Patsy Lehman P'01
Samuel N. & Dena M. Lombardo
Eileen M. Nicholas P'20 &
Stephen J. Nicholas, M.D. P'20
Robert L. Roschel, M.D. '54 & Anna M. Roschel
Arthur J. Shadek P'72, P'81 &
Katherine Shadek P'72, P'81, G'05, G'06, G'11
Laurence A. Shadek '72, P'05, P'06 &
Patricia L. Shadek P'05, P'06
Estate of Joseph L.K. Snyder
Estate of Arthur E. Walters
Patricia Ross Weis P'85 & Robert F. Weis P'85
Lux et Lex Society - Organizations, Corporations & Foundations
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
The Founders Society
About the Founders Society
Established in 1997, the Founders Society honors Benjamin Franklin as the first contributor to the College; his gift of 200 British pounds remains in the endowment today. Our most generous donors follow in Franklin’s footsteps and are inducted annually into the society. The College is deeply grateful to these donors for their unparalleled support for Franklin & Marshall College.
Founders Society - Individual Members
Jonathan E. Babkow '88 & Maia Rubin
Paul J. Bickel, Esq. 1907
Elmer H. Bobst, L.H.D. '51
Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D. H'10, P'91, G'28
Rita M. Bonchek, Ph.D. H'10, P'91, G'28
Lawrence G. Braitman, Esq. '80
Robert D. Carl III, Esq. '75 & Anne Currie
Jeffrey A. Choney '68 & Pamela Choney
Jack P. Cook Jr. '74
E. J. Countryman
Carmie L. Creitz 1928
Harold R. Diffenderffer '36 &
Fianna L. Diffenderffer
Ronald M. Druker '66, P'90 & Julie Druker P'90
Kenneth M. Duberstein, LL.D. '65, P'09, P'12 & Jacquelyn Fain Duberstein
Douglas H. Evans, Esq. '72 &
Sarah E. Cogan, Esq.
Paul W. Eyler, M.D. '34
Estate of Paul W. Eyler '34
Richard D. Fairman '70
David V. & Anne W. Fass P'17
Alan L. Fell, Esq. '70 & Millie R. Fell, M.D.
John E. Fischer '77 & Dorothy J. Fischer
Estate of J. Robert Fisher
Estate of Adele W. Fox W'34
Dale F. Frey, L.H.D. '54 & Betty Ann Frey
Coleman Fung
James P. Gelhard '49, P'74 &
Maxine K. Gelhard H'84, P'74
John M. Gibson
Sally Mather Gibson
Thomas L. Gipson '65 & Patricia Gipson
Robert D. Glidden Jr. '69, P'99 &
Eileen Glidden P'99
Janet F. Haas, M.D. P'11 & John O. Haas P'11
Brian & Janice M. Hard P'01, P'03
Frances P. Harnish
Estate of Estella Harris
Neal O. Harris '29
Brett S. Harwood '71 & Margery Harwood
John G. Heacock Jr. '42
Serena M. N. Hutchinson
Bill Hutson
Mary B. Hyman & Sigmund M. Hyman '47
Sarah Glidden Kempson '99 &
James Kempson, Ph.D.
Paul Kieffer 1901
Leonard M. Klehr, Esq. '72, P'12 &
Susan Kline Klehr '73, P'12
Richard Kneedler, Ph.D. '65, P'98 &
Suzette G. Kneedler P'98
Anthony Kreisel '66 &
Kimberly Faris Kreisel, Psy.D.
John C. Kunkel, L.L.D. '49
D. Lee Learn 1925 & Reva D. Learn
Aaron J. Martin, Ph.D., Sc.D. '50 & Jean T. Martin
Estate of Charles Martin
Mildred & Charles D. Martin
William B. Martin, Ph.D. '50 &
Yvonne C. Martin, Ph.D.
Clair R. McCollough, D.C.S. Trust
Kenneth B. Mehlman '88
Paul A. Mueller 1921 & Anna Sprecher Mueller
J. Richard Nissley '35 & Anna R. Nissley
Eric Noll '83, P'09 & Georgiana W. Noll P'09
Joseph P. Nolt '59 & Marianne S. Nolt
Estate of Hugh North
Caroline S. Nunan
Estate of James Pannebaker
Estate of Marian Peterson
Marian B. Peterson W'45
Thomas G. Phillips III, L.H.D. '54 &
Virginia A. Phillips
Karl W. Poorbaugh '51, P'84 &
Mary Ann Poorbaugh P'84
Estate of Myron A. Portenar II, M.D. '49
Eric C. Rackow, M.D. '67 & Sari J. Kaminsky, M.D.
Herbert H. Rawnsley, M.D. '40 & Anica Rawnsley
Andrew M. Rouse '49
Thomas A. & Georgina T. Russo
Robert W. Sarnoff, LL.D.
Robert L. Schaeffer, M.D. 1908
Mary L. Schapiro, Esq. '77, P'16, P'18 &
Charles A. Cadwell P'16, P'18
William E. Seachrist '52, P'79, P'91, G'24 &
Marjorie Seachrist P'79, P'91, G'24
William G. Simeral, Ph.D., Sc.D. '48, G'99, G'01 & Elizabeth R. Simeral G'99, G'01
Stuart Farwell Smith '77
Keith Spalding, L.H.D.
Earl D. Stage, M.D. 1927
Henry P. Stager, LL.D. '32 & Mary B. Stager
Andrew P. & Patricia A. Steffan P'93, G'22
Stephen Lesher Trust
Jacob W. Stutzman, M.D. '37 &
Geraldine Stutzman
Estate of Clyde Thomas
Clyde E. Thomas 1912
Estate of Julia Thomas
Estate of Joseph H. Walter
Joseph H. Walter '30
Marilyn Ware P'06
Paul W. Ware '72, P'99 & Judy S. Ware P'99
Susan L. Washburn '73 & Kristin V. Rehder H'17
Colleen Ross Weis '85 & Martin S. Laiks
Scott & Courtenay Weller
S. Wayne Whitehead, Esq. '53
Estate of Linda Whitehead W'53
F. Lyman Windolph Trust
Robert S. Wohlsen '50 & Carolyn W. Wohlsen
Frances Donnelly Wolf '96 & Thomas W. Wolf
Estate of Mary S. Worley
Mary Stage Worley W 1927
Founders Society - Organizations, Corporations & Foundations
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
James Street Housing, LP
National Science Foundation
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Richard King Mellon Foundation
The Endeavor Foundation, Inc.
The Kresge Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Tow'r & Bell Society
About the Tow'r & Bell Society
The phrase "tow'r and bell" is found in the second verse of the Franklin & Marshall alma mater — written more than 100 years ago — and is a fitting name for this group of exceptional supporters.
Tow'r & Bell Society - Individual Members
Mohammed A. Anjarwala '99 & Rabia Zafar, Ph.D.
Reed D. Auerbach, Esq. '80 &
Adrienne Petite Auerbach
Raymond P. Bain, Ph.D. '75 &
Marlene N. Cole, D.V.M., M.P.H.
Dean S. & Gabrielle B. Benjamin P'21
Estate of Paul J. Bickel
Luther J. Binkley, Ph.D. '45 & Betty Jane Binkley
Theodore F. Bluey, C.P.A. '69, P'93, P'00
A. Hess Bomberger II '43
Julia K. Bossidy P'16, P'18 &
Michael J. Bossidy Sr. P'16, P'18
Lawrence A. & Nancy Bossidy G'16, G'18
Margery A. Brittain '79
Roger L. Burtner, Ph.D. '58 & Carol A. Burtner
Stanley V. Cheslock Jr. '67, P'03, P'04 &
Dorothea V. Cheslock P'03, P'04
Theodore C. D'Amico '76, P'15 &
Paula R. D'Amico P'15
A. Louis Denton, Esq. '80
Julie Lattin DesChamps '93, P'28 &
Matthew N. DesChamps '93, P'28
Joseph S. Doherty '65
John E. Dotterer, M.D. '32
Charles A. Dunn Jr. '66 & Sharon G. Dunn
Huntington Eldridge Jr. '73, P'10 & Wendy Eldridge
Winthrop E. Everett, Ph.D. 1927, P'53
Martin E. Everett '53
William E. Ferry Jr. '63, P'96 & Julia S. Ferry P'96
John L. Finlayson '64
Judith Fishlow Minter P'19 & Mark H. Minter P'19
Robert L. Freedman '70 & Ann Louise Freedman
Estate of Marion French
Robert A. Garrison '63 & Barbara Garrison
Patricia E. Harris '77 & Mark D. Lebow, Esq.
Charles W. Havens III, Esq. '58 & Lucille B. Havens
Melville F. Heath II '66, P'00
Estate of Emma Heffner W 1911
Benjamin E. Heller '43
Earl B. Herr Jr., Ph.D. '48 & Elizabeth Herr
Estate of Joseph G. Hess
James D. Hoeschele, Ph.D. '59 &
Audrone V. Hoeschele
Barbara Holmberg-Eichmann & Charles Eichmann
L. James Huegel, Esq., LL.D. '38, P'76 &
Helen Huegel P'76
Alan R. Ingraham '72 & Diana Ingraham
Barbara A. Kirk '73 & Dennis D. Farber
Karl G. Klinges, M.D. '52, P'77, G'11, G'19 &
Devora Klinges P'77, G'11, G'19
Gerald W. Kohr '52
W. Minster Kunkel Jr., M.D. '43, P'73, P'81 &
Carolyn Kunkel P'73, P'81
Estate of Reva Learn W 1925
Edward E. Marx, Esq. '48
Douglas J. McCormack, Esq. '85
Clark M. McSparren Jr., M.D. '55 &
Ethelmae McSparren
Murray J. Miller, M.D. '51 & Renee Eve Miller
John L. Neigh, M.D. '55, P'92, G'15 &
Charline W. Neigh P'92, G'15
Thomas W. Nissley, M.Div. '55 &
Emily Baldwin Nissley
John A. Porges, Esq. '90 & Alexandra Porges
Raymond A. Sanseverino, Esq. '68 &
Kimber Frank Sanseverino
Andrew J. Schindler '72 & Ellen Schindler
Kevin J. Silverang, Esq. '77 &
Claudia A. Silverang, Esq.
Henry B. duP. Smith '84 & June Marshall Smith '86
Kenneth F. Smith '55, P'78, G'10 &
Susanne B. Smith P'78, G'10
Robert H. Smith '60, P'89, G'25 &
Annelise Smith P'89, G'25
A. Adler Sondheimer, M.D. 1917
Beverly R. Steinman
Estate of M. F. Stetler W 1928
Kathy Hay Stine '85 & Craig R. Stine
Ginger Tylus H'09, P'09 & F. Kevin Tylus P'09
Susan Aronoff Van Dolsen '80 &
Edward D. Van Dolsen '80
Samuel E. Walker '40
Jeffrey Wasserstein, Esq. '80 & Iris Wasserstein
John F. Weaver '82 & Caroline Weaver
James C. Whitten '67
Paulette Powell Wiener P'09, P'10 &
Arthur G. Wiener, Esq. P'09, P'10
Chester F. Witmer, Esq. '56
Jane Woodward
Donald R. Ziegler, C.P.A. '54, P'78 &
Suzanne F. Ziegler P'78
Tow'r & Bell Society - Organizations, Corporations & Foundations
Booth Ferris Foundation
Davis United World College Scholars Program
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
John Templeton Foundation
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brossman Charitable Foundation
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Oxford Foundation, Inc.
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
The Lancaster County Community Foundation
The Lenfest Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation
The John Marshall Society
About the John Marshall Society
John Marshall Society - Individual Members
Anonymous (4)
Madlyn & Leonard Abramson
Courtney S. Adams, Ph.D. & Gerard Adams, Ph.D.
Rex M. Allyn '41 & Deane C. Allyn
Frank H. Altdoerffer 1925, P'50 &
Margaret Altdoerffer
Barbara K. Altmann, Ph.D.
Jay I. & Susan B. Anderson P'10, P'14
Richard C. Angino, Esq. '62 & Alice K. Angino P'85
Louise S. Ansberry
Theodore B. Appel III, M.D. '57 & Deborah J. Appel
Tasia K. & James P. Argires, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.N.S.
Timothy D. Armbruster, Ph.D. '66 &
Cynthia Armbruster
Michael T. Arnold '08 & Dana Arnold
William B. Arnold 1925
Sameer Arora '93 & Bhavya Arora
Dwight R. Ashbey Jr., M.D. '43
Elizabeth G. Atterbury P'01
William C. Austin '10
William B. Avery '71, P'09 & Linda C. Andros P'09
Gregg J. & Stacey H. Bacchieri P'15
Robert C. Bair, M.D. '47, P'82, P'83
Marie Baird W'30
Calvin H. Baker '65 & Lidia Paz-Baker
Christopher Baldwin, Esq. '65 & Mary Baldwin
Ellen B. Baldwin, Ph.D. P'99 & John M. Baldwin P'99
Russell K. Baldwin '32 & Roberta Baldwin
Lawrence H. Bank, Esq. '65
Barbara Ann Barlow, M.D.
Donald W. Barshinger '53 & Linda M. Gordon
William E. Bates '64 & LaDonna Green Bates
George A. Baver, M.D. 1928
Howard C. Beane, M.D. '53, G'19 & Shirley Beane
Veronica Miele Beard '94 & Anson H. Beard
Carl E. Becker II, M.D. '87, P'16, P'19 &
Tracy Calhoun Becker '88, P'16, P'19
Michael Beebe '66 & Nancy Beebe
Charlotte M. Bell W'35
Paul H. Belser, D.D.S. '54, P'80, G'13 &
F. Yvonne Belser P'80, G'13
Charles R. & Karyn K. Bendit P'15
Peter E. Bennett & Jean V. Nevins
Mary L. Benson
Susan Benz P'17 & Philip Caron, Ph.D., M.D. P'17
Leonard P. Berger, M.D. '56 & Kari Berger
Estate of Park Berkheimer
Philip A. Berkheimer '63 & Marj M. Berkheimer
Joseph F. Berry II '92 & Susan S. Stuard
Vera Besser W'31
William Bevan, Ph.D. '42, P'76 & Dorothy Bevan P'76
Charles G. Bickford, Ph.D. '63, P'96 &
Barbara Bickford P'96
Richard A. Bidgood, Ph.D. '76 &
Ann R. Steiner, Ph.D.
Bertha Blair
Donald G. Blakeman P'84, P'86 &
Irene Blakeman P'84, P'86
Howard L. Blieden '69
Catherine G. Bluey, R.N. P'93, P'00
William M. Boehme, M.D. '66
Roger E. Bolton, Ph.D. '59 & Julia G. Bolton
Leon W. Bonner Jr. '65 & Redge R. Meixner
Michael J. Bossidy Jr. '16
Doreen E. Boyce, Ph.D., L.H.D.
Scott P. Boylan, Esq. '82 & Kim Boylan
Stanley M. Brand, Esq. '70 & Ellen Brand
Kevin D. Braun '89, P'21 &
Kathleen Gray Braun P'21
Edythe K. Bromley
James M. Brooks '98
Paul R. Brown, Ph.D. '72, P'17 & Joan Fishman P'17
Richard L. Bryson, M.D. '46, G'09 & Carolyn Bryson
Dennis S. Buchan '65 & Mary B. Buchan, Ph.D.
John F. Burness '67 & Anne D. Williams
George A. & Amy G. Burnett P'12
Vicki L. & Daniel B. Burton
Donald E. Butler '49 & Laura E. Butler
Janet D. Caplan P'96 & Eli Caplan
Sloan D. Caplan '96 & Rebecca Caplan
Elizabeth A. Casey Burgess P'19 &
James M. Burgess P'19
Hugh & Hedda Chairnoff P'88
Eugene A. Charles '50 & Vera M. Charles
Paul S. Christman, Ped.D. 1919
John W. Citti '78, P'13 & Nancy P. Citti P'13
Bradley D. Cobb '85 &
Gudrun Loercher Cobb, M.D. '87
Robin L. Cohen, Esq. P'22 &
Kenneth L. Fischer P'22
Edward M. & Eva Cohon P'89
William R. Collins '89 & Robin Collins
Susan Denny Conner, R.N. P'05 &
W. Edwin Conner, M.D. P'05
Thomas H. Cook
David B. Corman '69
Joseph M. Corson, M.D. '46
Ruth L. Corson
W. Stuart Cramer Jr. '33
Robert G. Croyle '65 & Ann Croyle
Paul Curcio
Jonathan S. Daitch, M.D. '80, P'08 &
Barbara S. R. Daitch, M.B.A. P'08
Jean L. Davidow P'17 &
Charles E. Davidow, Esq. P'17
Doreen Etingin Davidowitz, Esq. '78, P'14 &
Neil B. Davidowitz, Esq. '78, P'14
Shanni C. Davidowitz '14
Gale & Shelby Davis
Michelle M. de Aldrey '82
Al K. DeRoy, Ph.D., M.P.A. '70
Nelson C. Denlinger '59 & Ruth Denlinger
Edward Diamond, M.D. '49 & Linda Diamond
Sidney Dickstein, Esq. '47 & Barbara Dickstein
John T. & Mary Catherine Dillon P'13
Estate of John S. Diorio
Estate of Tony Distler
Arthur B. Dodge Jr. '47, G'11, G'22 &
Margaretha Dodge
Deborah L. Dokken, M.P.A. P'11
Amy Kinsey Dooley '77 & Larry P. Dooley
Estate of Edith Downs
Susan Dubner W'64, P'92
Frederick B. Duckloe '72, P'13 &
Joan M. Duckloe P'13
William H. & Ruthanne Dudley
Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. '57, P'88, G'10, G'19 &
Theresa M. Dudrick P'88, G'10, G'19
J. Thomas Dunlevy '54 & Janice C. Dunlevy
Charles A. & Pearl Dunn P'66
John M. Eakin, Esq. '46, P'70
Katharine Eaton & Walter L. Eaton Jr., M.D. '55
Huntington Eldridge III '10
David L. Elgart '75 & Alice Elgart
Estate of Mary E. Santee
Deone A. Evans
Russell C. Evarts, Ph.D. '69 & Alice Evarts
James G. Fackler Jr., D.D.S. '36
Estate of Mary M. Fackler
Robert B. Falk Jr., M.D. '67 & Carol Falk
Waldo C. Falkener Jr., Esq. '65 & Rita J. Falkener
Dr. Joan Fallon '79
David C. Farrand '63 & Tyler H. Farrand
John J. Farrell, Ph.D. & LaRue Farrell
David J. Ferris '63 & Myra Ferris
Charlotte & John B. Fitzpatrick
Nancy C. Floyd '76, P'13
Charles S. Foresman '63 & Marcia M. Foresman
William B. Forest '51
A. Clifford Foster, M.D. '63 & Frances Foster, Ph.D.
Ellis F. Friedman, M.D. '63 & Irene Stern Friedman
John A. Fry H'10 & Cara K. Fry
Rufus A. Fulton Jr. '66 & Judith Fulton
Wendell L. Funk, M.D. '72
Ingrid D. Gallo P'10 & Vincent J. Gallo, Esq. P'10
Danielle DiGiacomo Ganek '85 &
David K. Ganek '85
Anne & Eugene H. Gardner
Wendell R. Garner, Ph.D. '42
Alice Matsas Garten '89 &
Morris L. Garten, Esq. '89
George M. Gaskill '51 & Laura Gaskill
Estate of E. Louise Gaudet
Philip O. Geib '42
Susan Katz Gervais '95, P'25, P'27 &
Donald G. Gervais Jr., C.F.A. '96, P'25, P'27
Richard Gherst II, C.P.A. '64, P'89 &
Eleanor Gherst P'89
Josiah Gitt 1904 & Elizabeth Gitt
Alan S. Glazer, Ph.D. '69
Ann M. Golden W'39
Roy Goldman, Ph.D. '69 & Georgia Goldman
Mark R. Grace, D.D.S. '90
Grace W. Minich Scholar Trust
Gregory A. & Carlotta A. Gramas P'88
Frank H. Granito III, Esq. '81 & Monica Granito
William H. Gray III, LL.D. '63 & Andrea Gray
Ann Marie Donovan Griffith '89 & Peter D. Griffith
James B. Griffith, C.P.A. '43
Richard J. Grissinger '92 & Anne P. Grissinger
Ellen Arnold Groff, L.H.D.
Robert F. Groff Jr.
Estate of Norman Gross
Portia G. Gucanac
James D. Hagelgans, Esq. '79 &
Gale Zorian-Hagelgans
John M. & Audrey C. Hallgren P'83
Kathleen E. Harring, Ph.D. '80, P'11 &
John Wittenbraker, Ph.D. P'11
Eugene Harsh, USAF (Ret.) '54
Dean W. Hatton '82 & Ellen Hatton
William S. Haubrich, M.D. '43, P'76, G'15 &
Eila K. Haubrich P'76, G'15
Richard D. Hausman '50, P'85 &
Edna Hausman P'85
Estate of Elaine Hawley
Elaine Hawley
Harry W. Hays, Ph.D. '33
Richard W. Healey '76 & Laura Kiley Healey '78
Edward H. Heffner 1911 & Emma Heffner
Kenneth M. Heisler
Marlin E. Hendrix '53
Michael Hershfield, M.D. '63 & Susan B. Hershfield
Claudine Hess W'34
Donald Hess, L.H.D. '52 & Nancy Hess
J. Clair Hess, M.D. '78 & Elizabeth R. Hess
Michael K. Hettleman '57, P'94 &
Barbara G. Hettleman P'94
Estate of Richard M. Hiestand
Estate of Harvey Hill
Mildred L. Hocker
O.C. Hognander Jr. '64
William F. Honaman, D.H.L. '55, P'81, P'83, G'25 &
Eleanor Honaman P'81, P'83, G'25
Arthur W. Hooper Jr., Esq. '66 & Nancy Hooper
William H. Hooper Jr. '48
Estate of Guernon R. Hoover
Guernon R. Hoover, C.P.A. '44 & Blanche M. Hoover
David H. Hopton '54 & Helen Hopton
Dean M. Hottle II '75, P'99 & Judy Hottle P'99
Barbara A. & Mark A. Hoy
Frederick R. Hughes '61 & Bonnie L. Hughes
John Hughes, M.D., Ph.D. '50 & Mary Ann Hughes
Estate of D.R. Hutchison
David R. Hutchison '49
John A. Hyman '83 & Merri B. Hyman
Estate of M. R. Ingalls
Thomas H. Insley '72 & Wanda Insley
Kim Jacobs
Richard J. Jacobs '55 & Janet Jacobs
William H. Jahn III '65 & Sharon D. Jahn
Gary L. James, Esq. '72
Howard A. Jamner '77 & Jessica Jamner
Catherine N. Jasons, Esq. '76
G. C. Jenkins Jr., C.P.A. '43 & Jeanne Jenkins
Estate of Jeanne P. Jenkins
Pauline F. Jenkins W'39
Michael Johnston, M.D. '67, P'98, P'02 &
Sally Johnston P'98, P'02
Andrea & Lloyd H. Jones
Charles B. Kahn Jr. '47 & Barbara R. Kahn
JoAnn Kahn '73, P'17 & Thomas L. Lyon P'17
Matthew H. Kamens, Esq. '73 &
Elizabeth G. Kamens
Lewis H. Kaminester, M.D. '67 & Vera Kaminester
Charles W. & Andrea Katter P'14
Estate of Betty Kieffer
Ira W. Killian '49
Dale C. Kistler, M.D. '64
David H. Klinges, Esq. '50, P'82, P'85 &
Jean R. Klinges P'82, P'85
David J. & Edythe E. Klinges P'50, P'52
Cipora C. Klionsky '07
Jay I. Kneedler 1927 & Mary K. Kneedler
Richard A. Knobelman, M.D. '67
Beverley B. Knoebel & David H. Knoebel '58
G. Kenneth Kohlmaier, C.F.P., J.D. '73, P'05, P'16 &
Susan Kohlmaier P'05, P'16
Eileen A. Koolpe & Harvey A. Koolpe, M.D. '69
Sally M. & H. Jonathan Kovler
Hale A. Krasne & Robert M. Krasne, Esq.
Mark S. Kuhn '85 & Jennifer M. Kuhn
Barry S. Lafer '69 & Jill Lafer
Estate of Helen Lambroglos
C. Darrell Lane, M.D. '59, P'80, P'87 & Sandra Lane
James E. Lapine '71 & Sarah M. Kernochan
Roger C. Lark '65 & Linda Lark
Ruth F. Lazarus P'12 &
Michael S. Feldberg, Esq. P'12
D. Christopher & Victoria M. Le Vine P'11
Burton M. Leibert, Esq. '66 & Ruth Leibert
Theodore M. Leinbach Jr. '50 & Jean Leinbach
H. F. Lenfest
James W. Lennon
Robin E. Leopold P'16 &
Kenneth E. Leopold, Esq. P'16
MaryEllen & Ray Letterman
Stanley L. Levin '74 & Robin Levin
Stephen R. Lewin, Esq. '71 & Claire Lewin
Ernestine G. Lewis
Mark D. Lewis '77
Les J. Lieberman '78 & Barri Lieberman
A. LeRoy Lightner Jr. '42
Kathleen A. Lister P'16 & Jeffery A. Reinhold P'16
Maynard N. Little '73
X. Greg Liu, Esq. '93 & Cathy Chen
Estate of Evelyn K. Livingood
John E. Livingood, M.D. 1909
Thomas C. Lockburner Sr., C.P.A. '62
Stephen D. Lockey III, M.D. '59, P'11 &
Donna K. Lockey P'11
Gerald M. Lodge '78 & Molly F. Ashby
Jean L. Loeb W'38, P'71, P'74
Joseph J. Lombardo, Esq. '58 & Gail M. Lombardo
Estate of Frances Longsdorf
Graeme Lorimer
Carol L. Ludwig, M.D. & Eugene A. Ludwig
Douglas M. Lurio, Esq. '78, P'11 &
Margaret Sherry Lurio, Esq. P'11
Ellen Elwell Lutrey '80 & Scott Lutrey
Arthur J. "Mac" MacBride III '72 &
Barbara Frey MacBride
Elizabeth C. Mackey '75 & James Campbell Jr. '78
Aaron Malinsky '70
Frank E. Manning '42, P'78, G'04 &
Eva L. Manning P'78, G'04
Daniel D. Manzi, M.D. '74
Michael I. Mark, Esq. '74
Catherine & Donald Marron
George Martin, Ph.D. '79 & Jane Martin
James S. Martin, M.D. '43 & Doris Martin
Bradley A. Massam, C.P.A. '83 & Barbara J. Massam
Estate of Sabina Mattern W'31
Laurence K. May, Esq. '72 & Anne K. May
Worthington Mayo-Smith P'85
Patricia McConnell, C.P.A. '71 &
Michael W. Oliveri, C.P.A.
John J. McDermott, Ph.D. P'80
Lisa L. & Wilson D. McElhinny
William F. McGuire P'07
Cecilia Kelley McKenney '84 & Joseph F. McKenney
Bart A. & Cynthia S. McLean P'13
Martha Rappaport Meyers '74 & William L. Meyers
Barry H. & Karen W. Miller
Estate of Carl T. Miller '39
Carl T. Miller '39
Harold T. Miller, Litt.D. '46 & Marcheta A. Miller
Jay T. Miller '50 & Jean Miller
Ronald E. Miller '55, P'87, P'89, G'11, G'14 &
Barbara B. Miller P'87, P'89, G'11, G'14
Richard A. Mones, M.D. '68, P'00 &
Pamela R. Mones P'00
John W. Moore, Ph.D. '61 & Elizabeth Moore
C. Arnold Moorehead, V.M.D. '41 &
Reube B. Moorehead
John P. & Carla M. Morey P'15
Lloyd Morgan Jr., D.D.S. '59 & Marcia S. Morgan
Maria Rocco Morris '84 & Barry Morris
Peter R. & Jainel M. Morris
Peter L. Morse '83, P'12 & Gina G. Morse P'12
Theodore F. Mucha, M.D. '60 &
Carole M. Mucha, Ph.D.
Robert E. Muehe, Esq. '48, P'75, G'03
Jane M. & Paul A. Mueller Jr.
Estate of John C. Mueller
Ralph R. Mueller '59 & Laura Mueller
Robert E. Mullins, Ph.D. '91 &
Suzanne Gregson Mullins
Kenneth and Moira Mumma
Matthew J. Murphy '94 & Laura Murphy
Estate of Paul T. Murray '36
Thomas R. Murray Jr. '64 & Christine C. Murray
Gordon D. Myers, M.D. '43
Estate of Elizabeth Nace
Lois Lucente Narr, D.O. '86 &
Frank J. Narr Jr., '86
George N. Nicholas '07
Nicholas G. Nicholas '70, P'07 & Sandra K. Nicholas
Kenneth C. Nieberg, M.D. '55 &
Roberta Nieberg, M.D.
North Museum Associates
Lucio A. & Joan A. Noto P'01
Maurice D. Oaks '56 & Judith R. Oaks
Gregory Z. Olah '31
William F. O'Leary '77 & Elizabeth F. O'Leary, Esq.
Dale W. Oller, M.D. '64 & Susan G. Oller
Kimberly Gasslein Olsan '86, P'18 &
Michael S. Olsan, Esq. '86, P'18
Thomas S. Paccioretti '77 & Virginia Hoyt
Vance P. Packard '65
Susan Pauline Pape '82
Dean A. Pappas, M.D. '73 & Denise Pappas
Howard J. Patton, Ph.D. '71, P'08 &
Mary F. Patton P'08
Arthur L. Pelberg, M.D., M.P.A. '71 &
Linda H. Pelberg
Richard H. Penley '66 & Wendy E. Penley
Frank Pennypacker, Ed.D. '33
Robert B. Pepinsky, Ph.D. '76 & Laurelee Osborn
Elliott Pew '77 & Terry M. Pew
Estate of Helen E. Philoon
Thurman & Helen E. Philoon
Carl S. Pike, Ph.D. & Ellen L. Pike
Sandy M. Pike & Larry R. Pike '58
William L. Platt '77 & Candace E. Browning-Platt
Donald W. Porter '67, G'03 & Marilyn I. Porter
Daniel R. Porterfield, Ph.D. H'18 &
Karen A. Herrling, Esq.
Lisa S. Portnoy, C.P.A. '83
Atif M. Rahim '01 & Erum Fajanda
James G. Reaser '39 & Jane Reaser
Estate of Carl J. Rees, Ph.D. 1918
Estate of Marjorie M. Reiber
Fred J. Reichley '62 & Suzann M. Reichley
Robert E. Reinhard '43
Elizabeth Feldstein Rile '90, P'19 &
Christopher W. Rile, Esq. '91, P'19
Morris E. Rill '62
Paul H. Ripple, M.D. '43, P'72 &
Carolyn W. Ripple P'72
Craig G. Robertson '70 & Susan Robertson
Bruce M. Rodenberger, M.D. '57, P'84, G'18, G'22, G'23 & Sarah Rodenberger P'84, G'18,
G'22, G'23
Katherine Quick Rosa '92 & Carlos Rosa
Wayne W. Rosenberger '68, P'05 &
Karen G. Rosenberger P'05
Lester & Helene Mae Rosenfeld P'73
John L. Rosenthal '82
Paul S. Rosica '86, P'18, P'21, P'23 &
Elizabeth H. Rosica P'18, P'21, P'23
Leonard Rothman, Esq. '41 & Mildred Rothman
Lana K. Rouff P'99 & Lawrence N. Rouff, D.D.S. P'99
J. Gordon Rubin, D.D.S. '43
Ian G. Ruzow '85, P'17, P'18 &
G. Michaele Ruzow, Ph.D. P'17, P'18
Amanda Atterbury Ryan, V.M.D. '01 & Kevin T. Ryan
Maurice R. & Lourdes M. Samuels P'18
Alexander C. Sapir '88 & Karen Sapir
Edward M. Satell P'09 & Cyma Ginsberg
Joseph A. Savastio, M.D. '55 & Alice Savastio
Charles D. Schaeffer Jr., Ph.D. '70
Margaret K. Schafer
Jean Schaffner W'42
Jennifer M. Schlener-Thomas '94 & Roy Thomas
Robert S. Schlossberg, Esq. '79, P'14 &
Helene S. Schlossberg P'14
John A. Schnorr, Ph.D. '64
Jesse Schulman, M.D. '42, G'05, G'09, G'14 &
Agnes Schulman
Kenneth J. Schultz Jr. '81, P'13 &
Barbara A. Schultz P'13
David P. Schuyler, Ph.D.
Peter S. Seadle, Ph.D.
Craig P. Seebald, Esq. '89 & Carla A. Seebald, Esq.
Donald V. Shaffner '44
Estate of William Shand 1908
Robert G. Sharrar, M.D. '62 & Karen M. Sharrar, M.D.
William G. Sharrar, M.D. '62 & Mary C. Sharrar
Ellen M. Shay
Albert H. Sheaffer
Elsie & Willis W. Shenk
Jane Kimmel Shepardson '83 &
Robert T. Shepardson '83
Evelyn Sherer P'95
Robert E. Sherer Jr.
Thomas W. Sheridan, Esq. '86 & Lisa Sheridan, R.N.
Jack W. Shilling, Ph.D. '65, P'89, P'91 &
Suzanne Shilling P'89, P'91
Stephen Slogoff, M.D. '64 & Barbara Slogoff
Eugene C. Smith, M.D. '55
Matthew R. Smith '00
Kenneth T. Snyder Sr. '43 & Margaret Snyder
Estate of Richard A. Snyder '31
Scott A. Sommer, Esq. '85 & Laurie Sommer
Carlton R. Souders, M.D. '29 & Dora Souders
Anna Sparks P'66
George H. Sparks '66
Robert S. & Barbara L. Spencer P'97
Heather & William B. Spire
Linda & Henry H. Spire
William H. Stadtlander '67 & Maggie Stadtlander
Sharon W. Stamm, Ph.D. '73 &
Jerome B. Zeldis, M.D., Ph.D.
James D. Stanton P'15
Nadine Fitzwilliam Steffan '92, P'22 &
Alexander P. Steffan, Esq. '93, P'22
Estate of Marion Z. Stein
Elissa B. Steiner P'09 & Jeffrey B. Steiner, Esq. P'09
Arthur J. Steinhauer '73 & Chatral A'dze '75
Robert Steinwurtzel, Esq. '75, P'16 &
Sara A. Strang P'16
James R. Stets '76
Gerald Stober
Marc J. Straus, M.D. '65, P'92 &
Livia S. Straus, Ph.D. P'92
Joseph W. Strode Jr. '51, G'16 &
Elizabeth D. Strode G'16
Janee E. Studnitzer, Ph.D. P'07 &
Daniel Klionsky P'07
Emory C. Swank '42
Emily A. Swonguer, D.C. '00 &
Marc S. Persson, D.C. '00
Leonard A. & Barbara A. Sylk P'08, P'11, P'14
Joseph R. Takats III, D.O. '65
Arthur S. Taylor '83 & Cindy G. Taylor
H. Art Taylor, Esq. '80 & Yolanda Taylor
Estate of Thomas A. Taylor 1924
George J. Thomas, Esq. '48
Deena Tobias P'90
Robert F. Tranbaugh, M.D. '72 &
Margaret H. Tranbaugh
Susan Jackson Tressider P'22 &
Richard E. Tressider P'22
Ethan L. Trexler, M.D. '33
Barbara K. Tyndall W'57
Joseph C. Voelker, Ph.D. '69, P'97 &
Cathleen Hess Voelker '75, P'97
Hans R. Voelkl, Ph.D. '51
Monica B. Voldstad P'08 &
Conrad P. Voldstad, Esq. P'08
Michael R. Walker '70
Xuan Wang '09
Estate of Spencer D. Wareheim
Stewart E. Warner, Esq. 1924
John P. Weaver '58
Ned E. Wehler, P.G. '72, P'05 &
Mary Ann Wehler P'05
Walter E. Weibrecht, Ph.D. '59 & David Garside
P.G. Weimer Jr. '58
Thomas H. Wentz, Esq. '39 & Mary Jane Wentz
Estate of William Werner
Norman H. Werthwein '67 & Frances Werthwein
Thomas R. Westphal, M.D. '75 &
Michele B. Westphal, Ed.D.
Phyllis C. Whitesell P'90, G'16 &
William E. Whitesell, Ph.D. P'90, G'16
Estate of Margaret Whitten
Joseph R. Wiebush, Ph.D. '41 & Dorothy A. Wiebush
Hiram L. Wiest, M.D. '42 & Susanne Wiest
Henry Wiggins Jr., M.D. '55, P'91 &
Carolyn Wiggins, M.D.
Richard A. Wilhelm '74
Douglas S. Winter '72 & Bonnie S. Winter
Susan G. & James L. Winter
Wade T. Winter, C.F.A. '80 & Gaia G. Winter
Thomas E. Wolf, D.D.S.
Michael B. Wood, M.D. '65 & Marilee Wood
J. Richard Woods '55, P'91 & Sue Ellen Woods P'91
Richard E. Wright, P.G. '58 & Gwendolyn Wright
Stephen S. Wyckoff '82 & Lori M. Wyckoff
Linda Yarden, Esq. '81 & Chris M. Smith, Esq.
Kathryn J. Yates, Esq. P'09 & Timothy T. Yates P'09
Tewlyn Underwood Yoburn '02 &
Jesse B. Yoburn '02
C. Douglas York '80, P'19 & Elizabeth P. York P'19
James F. Young, M.D. '49 & Mary Lou Young
Siobhan K. Young, Ph.D. '00
Estate of Artiss Zacharias
Robert M. Zacharias, Esq. 1907 &
Artiss D. Zacharias
Eileen & Ian S. Zagon, Ph.D.
Michael S. Zane '70 & Elizabeth Zane
Donald B. Zief, Esq. '71 & Joan Zief
Estate of H. Oscar Zimmerman
Judy-ann Zoghby P'82
Susan P. Zolla P'00 & Alan Bilanin
Stephanie & Robert A. Zuckerman
Steven J. Zuckerman '85 &
Victoria Hamelsky Zuckerman, Ph.D. '86
John Marshall Society - Organizations, Corporations & Foundations
Association of Independent Colleges & Universities of PA
Burroughs Corporation
CNH America
Catherine G. Burnight Trust
Dusco Property Management Inc.
Dutch Gold Honey, Inc.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
F&M Alumni Association
Fayez Sarofim & Co.
Franklin & Marshall College Infirmary Auxiliary
Franklin & Marshall Football Association
Franklin & Marshall S.r.l. Clothing Company
Grundy Foundation
Hach Scientific Foundation
Hamilton Technology, Inc.
Institute of Management
Josiah W. & Bessie H. Kline Foundation, Inc.
Laser Photonics
Mary Sachs Trust
Richard C. Von Hess Foundation
Sherman Fairchild Foundation
Sodexo Campus Dining
Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation, Inc.
The Billy Mac Fund
The Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, Inc.
The Christian & Mary Lindback Foundation
The Franklin Institute
The Surdna Foundation, Inc.
The Teagle Foundation
The Whitaker Foundation
Toshiba International Foundation
Toyota USA Foundation
Turner Construction Company
Vira I. Heinz Endowment
Warfel Construction Company
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Inc.
William Penn Foundation
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
The William A. Schnader Society
About the William A. Schnader Society
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William A. Schnader Society Members
Abraham L. Adler, Esq. '52
John S. Alexander USN (Ret.) '36
William Garron Alexander '70
Rex M. Allyn '41 & Deane C. Allyn
Sheryl Jones Alu, Esq. '74
Trude Amick, Ph.D. '78
Walter T. Andersen '43 & Gretchen Andersen
Brian E. Andreoli, Esq. '73
Louise S. Ansberry
Theodore B. Appel III, M.D. '57
James P. Argires, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.N.S.
Michael T. Arnold '08 & Dana Arnold
Dwight R. Ashbey Jr., M.D. '43
John L. Atlee, M.D. '63 & Barbara Atlee
Reed D. Auerbach, Esq. '80 &
Adrienne Petite Auerbach
George C. Aument '50
Robert C. Bair, M.D. '47, P'82, P'83
Peter J. Baker, Esq. '00 & Megan L. Morey, Esq. '01
Ellen B. Baldwin, Ph.D. P'99 &
John M. Baldwin P'99
Marcella Baldwin W'42
Victoria Irene Ball '71
John B. Barbour III, Esq. '52
Ann Boyd Barshinger H'17 &
Richard S. Barshinger '43
Donald W. Barshinger '53 & Linda M. Gordon
William E. Bates '64 & LaDonna Green Bates
John A. Baxter, M.D. '66
Professors Dorothy & C. Richard Beam '49
Wayne A. Becker, O.D. '53
Charlotte M. Bell W'35
Anne M. Berry '77
Rod Bertolet, Ph.D. '71 & Gretchen Bertolet
John N. Bethune II '61 & Elizabeth Bethune
Judith Holman Bianchi '84
Richard A. Bidgood, Ph.D. '76
Wallace J. Bieber '54
David W. Binkley '65, P'03 & Barbara H. Binkley P'03
Luther J. Binkley, Ph.D. '45 & Betty Jane Binkley
Rebecca Dornbusch Bittle '90 &
Christopher B. Bittle
Donald G. & Irene Blakeman P'84, P'86
Howard L. Blieden '69
Robert E. Bloch '69
William M. Boehme, M.D. '66
George A. Boinis, M.D. '51
Jeffrey P. Bomze, M.D. '72
John S. Bonin '72 & Harriet Bonin
Doreen E. Boyce, Ph.D., L.H.D. & A. Warne Boyce
Stanley M. Brand, Esq. '70
Simon D. Braun, M.D. '73 & Janet Braun
Madelaine Fye Breimhurst '13 &
Daniel Breimhurst '13
Stacy Smith Brinkley '81 & Arthur S. Brinkley III
Thomas H. Broadt, Esq. '71
Edythe Klinges Bromley
Robert J. Brooks Sr. '66, P'98 &
Susan C. Brooks P'98
Donald J. Brown, M.D. '57
John J. Brunetti '70 & Rockette Brunetti
C. Alan Bruns, Ph.D. & Roberta Bruns
Dennis S. Buchan '65
Richard E. Burt '66
Roger L. Burtner, Ph.D. '58 & Carol A. Burtner
Donnell J. Butler, Ph.D. '95
Donald E. Butler '49 & Laura E. Butler
Robert P. Byelick, Esq. '72 & Barbara B. Byelick
Steven Glenn Cameron, D.Litt. '73
Warren L. Capps '75 & Lynne Capps
Melissa M. Cavanaugh '96
Hugh & Hedda Chairnoff P'88
John Scott Charles Jr.
Richard F. Charles '53, P'79 & Pauline C. Charles
A. Douglas Chervenak, D.O. '69
Beth Ann L. Chivinski, C.P.A. '82
The Rev. Frank B. Christ '55 & Helen T. Christ
George L. Church Jr. '81 & Cathy Church
John W. Citti '78, P'13 & Nancy P. Citti P'13
Arthur R. Clark Jr.
John L. Clark, M.D. '67 & Marion Clark
Kara L. Clarke '96
C. Bland Clemons ’35 & Julia S. Clemons
Leigh Poltrock Clouse, Esq. '91 & David Clouse
George E. Confer '62
Christine Gary Cook '95
Mary Ann Moscony Cooke, Esq. '90, P'20, P'22, P'25 & Alfred J. Cooke III P'20, P'22, P'25
William C. Cooper, M.D. '53, P'83
Theodore Copeland Jr., Ed.D. '48
Joseph M. Corson, M.D. '46 & Ruth L. Corson
Linda J. Cortese '90 & James Curtis
Carroll L. Coward '79
Bonnie J. Cox '86
David M. Coyne '87
Patricia E. Crebase '93
Paul Curcio U'07
William H. Curtis '61
David F. Daubenspeck '55, P'83, P'92 &
Anita T. Daubenspeck P'83, P'92
Michelle M. de Aldrey '82
Robert D. DeChant '51
Al K. DeRoy, Ph.D., M.P.A. '70
Faye J. Del Pezzo '01
Nelson C. Denlinger '59 & Ruth Denlinger
A. Louis Denton, Esq. '80
Richard D. & Paula C. Dhein P'06
Sidney Dickstein, Esq. '47 & Barbara Dickstein
Harold R. Diffenderffer ’36 &
Fianna L. Diffenderffer
Rocco A. Dimeo '52
Tony Distler
Robert C. Dix Jr., M.D. '41 & Sara Dix
George R. Dochat, M.D. '34, P'66, P'74 &
Erma Dochat
Arthur B. Dodge Jr. '47, G'11 & Margaretha G. Dodge
Joseph S. Doherty '65
Robert W. Dommel
Amy Kinsey Dooley '77 & Larry P. Dooley
John E. Dotterer, M.D. '32 & Elizabeth Dotterer
Edith Downs
John D. Draper, Ph.D. '41
William M. DuBois Sr. '51
Frederick B. Duckloe '72, P'13 &
Joan M. Duckloe P'13
William & Ruthanne Dudley
Stanley J. Dudrick, M.D. '57, P'88, G'10, G'19 &
Theresa M. Dudrick P'88, G'10, G'19
William R. Duncan Jr. '41 & Doris V. Duncan
J. Thomas Dunlevy '54 & Janice C. Dunlevy
Charles A. & Pearl Dunn P'66
Charles A. Dunn Jr. '66 & Sharon G. Dunn
Walter L. Eaton Jr., M.D. '55 & Katharine Eaton
Lewis W. Eckert '43 & Mary E. Eckert
Robert L. Eddy, Jr., Esq. '66 & Barbara Allen Eddy
John E. Ehleiter, D.Ed. '60, P'88, P'09 &
Deborah D. Ehleiter P'09
Joel P. Eigen, Ph.D.
Lee Harris Eisenstaedt '76 &
Elizabeth Eisenstaedt
Elliot M. Eisenstein, M.D., F.D.D.P. '56
J. William Erb '61
Douglas H. Evans, Esq. '72 & Sarah E. Cogan, Esq.
Mrs. Hugh C. Evans, Ph.D.
Lewis S. Evans '49 & Nancy Evans
Palmer C. Evans, M.D. '63 & Sara E. Evans
William C. Evans, Esq. '73
William T. Evans
Martin E. Everett '53
Winthrop E. Everett, Ph.D. '27, P'53
William D. Evers, Ph.D. '69 & Joanne Evers
J. Albert Eyler, M.D. '41
Paul W. Eyler, M.D. '34
Richard D. Fairman '70
Joseph Lee Falk '76
Dr. Joan Fallon '79
David C. Farrand '63 & Tyler H. Farrand
LaRue & John J. Farrell, Ph.D.
Richard C. Feaster Sr. '51, P'78, P'80 &
Doris Feaster P'78, P'80
Salinda Feldman P'84 &
Ralph M. Feldman Jr. P'84
John W. Felix '68
David R. Fell '12
Evelyn Van Ingen Fell '83, P'12
David J. Ferris '63 & Myra Ferris
William E. Ferry Jr. '63, P'96 & Julia S. Ferry P'96
Erwin A. Fiero Jr. '54
Milton Fineman, M.D. '38, P'71 &
Francoise Fineman
Aaron S. Fink '70 & Vicki Porter-Fink
Seth M. Fisher, M.D. '45
John B. Fitzpatrick
Paul W. Fitzpatrick
Robert I. Fleder '43, P'69, P'76 &
Helen Fleder P'69, P'76
Nancy C. Floyd '76
Frederick M. Folmer '93 & Sarah Bevington
Richard W. Foltin, Ph.D. '78
Dorothy Foose W'37
Robert W. Ford, M.D. '58
Charles S. Foresman '63 & Marcia M. Foresman
William B. Forest '51
Adele W. Fox W'34
Charles G. Francos, M.D. '44, P'74, P'86, G'17 &
Esther Francos P'74, P'86, G'17
Leonard A. Frank, M.D. '57 & Barbara Frank, M.D.
Paul A. Freeman '35 & Rosalind Freeman
Ellis F. Friedman, M.D. '63
Kenneth Frumkin, M.D., Ph.D. '69 &
Bernardine J. Frumkin
Rufus A. Fulton Jr. '66 & Judith Fulton
Wendell L. Funk, M.D. '72
David B. Ganse III '86 & Jaclyn Ganse
David B. Ganse, O.D. '49, P'86 &
Suzanne Ganse P'86
Anna M. H. Gardner
Mark Gardner '57 & Carol R. Gardner
Nicholas M. Gardner '08
Wendell R. Garner, Ph.D. '42 & Barbara R. Garner
Paul Garrahan, Jr. C.L.U. '51 & Gail M. Garrahan
Samuel P. Garre III '57 & Mary Jo Garre
Paul W. Garrett Jr. '49 & Henrietta Garrett
Alice Matsas Garten '89 &
Morris L. Garten, Esq. '89
The Rev. Robert Gast Sr. '55
E. Louise Gaudet
Donald P. Gazibara, M.D. '53 & Barbara Gazibara
Stuart J. Gelber, O.D. '71
Faye L. Gelhard W'57
James P. Gelhard '49, P'74 &
Maxine K. Gelhard H'84, P'74
Nathan C. George '08 &
Deanna Broughton George, DPT '09
Richard Gherst II, C.P.A. '64, P'89 &
Eleanor Gherst P'89
John M. Gibson
Sally Mather Gibson
Kimberly Idler Gillespie '83 &
Myles D. Gillespie '83
Thomas C. Gilmore '70
Vincent J. Giuliano Jr., M.D. '61 & Dulcy Giuliano
Steven C. Glogger '64
Vera Gmuca
H. Amos Goodall Jr., Esq. '70, P'99 &
Cazella Goodall P'99
Marvin C. Goodman P'62
Stuart Gottlieb, M.D. '62 & Dianne Gottlieb
Lisa J. Gray '00 & Robert C. Gray, Ph.D.
Heidi Wagner Greenleaf '84 &
Richard C. Greenleaf III
Herbert B. Gregory '70
James B. Griffith, C.P.A. '43 & Margaret Griffith
Charles L. Griffiths Jr. '71
Ellen Arnold Groff, L.H.D. & Robert F. Groff Jr.
Miles Groth, Ph.D., '68
Portia G. Gucanac
Peter J. Gulia, Esq. '81 & Patti McLaughlin
Lee P. Haacker, M.D. '56
Robert E. Haar '33
Elizabeth M. Hackett '13
William M. Hackman '39 & Lucille Hackman
Roth M. Hafer '60 & Maily Hafer
Frederick W. Hager '52
Robert A. Harner '50, P'76
Ronald I. Harris, M.D. '71, P'01 &
Margery R. Harris P'01
Eugene Harsh, USAF (Ret.) '54 & Lois Harsh
Brett S. Harwood '71 & Margery Harwood
William S. Haubrich, M.D. '43, P'76, G'15 &
Eila K. Haubrich P'76, G'15
Richard D. Hausman '50, P'85 &
Edna Hausman P'85
Charles W. Havens III, Esq. '58 &
Lucille B. Havens
Harry W. Hays, Ph.D. '33
John G. Heacock Jr. '42 & Jean C. Heacock
Kenneth P. Heaps, M.D. '61
Lowrey Heaver '63
Dale M. Heckman, Ph.D. '51
Benjamin E. Heller '43 & Catherine Heller
Walter J. Henderson, Jr. '66
Marlin E. Hendrix '53
John C. Herrold, Esq. '67 & Janice Herrold
Robert B. Hershey '57, G'16, G’20
John D. Hertz, Esq. '52
J. Clair Hess, M.D. '78 & Elizabeth R. Hess
F. William Hessmer IV, Esq. '82
Michael K. Hettleman '57, P'94 &
Barbara G. Hettleman P'94
Richard M. Hiestand, D.O. '32
Jacob L. Hillegas 1929 & Geneva Hillegas
Albert S. Hillman '60 & Jeannette Hillman
Linda D. Geist Hiney '72
Mark & Fran Hirschman
George H. Hoeltzel '56 & Kenneth W. Unger, M.D.
Raymond C. Hoffman '31 & Verna Hoffman
William N. Hoffman '69
Orville C. Hognander Jr. '64
Mervin G. Holland Jr. '51, P'77
Mervin George Holland III '77
Barbara Holmberg-Eichmann
Philip G. Holtzapple, M.D. '59, P'91 &
Della Holtzapple P'91
Peter K. Honaman, Esq. '44
William F. Honaman, D.H.L. '55, P'81, P'83, G'25 &
Eleanor Honaman P'81, P'83, G'25
William H. Hooper Jr. '48
Guernon R. Hoover, C.P.A. '44
Robert P. Hoover, D. Min. '61 & Linda Hoover
Nace Hopple Jr. '58
Daniel F. Hoth, M.D. '68 & Kim Hoth
Joyce Howard
James F. Huber, Ph.D. '64 & Sandra Huber
Arthur W. Hughes III, Esq. '64
Frederick R. Hughes '61 & Bonnie L. Hughes
Robert C. Hunsicker, M.D. '62 &
Jeanne Hunsicker
Bill Hutson
John A. Hyman '83 & Merri B. Hyman
Mary B. Hyman W'47
Dorothy Ilvento-Theros W'52
Alan R. Ingraham '72
William Innes, Jr., Ph.D. '72 & Vickie Innes
John N. Irwin, C.P.A. '59 & Lucy Irwin
Kim Jacobs
Richard J. Jacobs '55 & Janet Jacobs
Gary L. James, Esq. '72
G. C. Jenkins Jr., C.P.A. '43 & Eugenia Jenkins
Richard C. Johnson '68
Philip Harris Jones '32
Wayne Juchatz, Esq. '68 & Linda Juchatz
Robert J. Kafin, Esq. '63 & Carol Kafin
Charles B. Kahn Jr. '47 & Barbara R. Kahn
Daniel R. Kaplan, Esq. '49 & Renee Kaplan
David C. Kapp '57
Peter J. Kastor, Ph.D. '89
Anthony R. Katz '72
Marvin E. Kauffman, Ph.D. '55, P'81, P'87 &
Sue C. Kauffman P'81, P'87
The Rev. Hubert J. Kealy
Larry A. Keener, Esq. '68
Eugene E. Kegel, M.D. '48, P'75 &
Charlotte Kegel P'75
Ray W. Kehm, M.D. '36 & Cynthia Kehm
Reid E. Kellogg, Ph.D. '57 & Linda Kellogg
James McKinnon Kerr Jr. '76 &
Patricia Ann Dyer-Kerr
James E. Kintzel, M.D. '60, P'90 &
Kay Kintzel P'90
G. Gary Kirchner, M.D. '55 & Betsy L. Kirchner
Barbara A. Kirk '73
James B. Kirk Jr. '51, P'74, G'12 &
Lois Duerr Kirk P'74, G'12
Dale C. Kistler, M.D. '64
Robert B. Kistler '57
Leonard M. Klehr, Esq. '72, P'12 &
Susan Kline Klehr '73, P'12
David H. Klinges, Esq. '50, P'82, P'85 &
Jean R. Klinges P'82, P'85
David J. & Edythe E. Klinges P'50, P'52
Karl G. Klinges, M.D. '52, P'77, G'11, G'19 &
Devora Klinges P'77, G'11, G'19
Lance R. Knauth '64 & Judith Hauer Knauth
Jay I. Kneedler 1927 & Mary K. Kneedler
Richard Kneedler, Ph.D. '65, P'98 &
Suzette G. Kneedler P'98
Joseph A. Knepper, M.D. '53 &
Dorothea C. Knepper
Nancy Shaub Knight '76
David H. Knoebel '58 & Beverley B. Knoebel
Gerald W. Kohr '52
Abigail A. Komlenic '13
Harvey A. Koolpe, M.D. '69 & Eileen M. Koolpe
Donald B. Krall, Ph.D. '60
George H. Kratzert '60 & Betsy Kratzert
Anthony Kreisel '66 &
Kimberly Faris Kreisel, Psy.D.
James L. Krevel '59
William A. Krokyn '38
Joseph W. Kuehn Jr. '56 & Nancy Kuehn
Gerald D. Kumin, M.D. '65 & June Kumin
Glenn Kurlander, Esq. '78 & Deborah Kurlander
Jeffrey A. Lamia, Ph.D. '66 & Elaine H. Arnold
William T. Lampe II, M.D. '53, P'81, P'86, G'25 &
Marjorie Lampe P'81, P'86, G'25
Robert M. Landis, Esq. '41
C. Darrell Lane, M.D. '59, P'80, P'87
John Beucler Lange '51, P'75
Neal Langerman, Ph.D. '65
Donald L. Lasky '54 & Barbara Lasky
Charles A. Lauffer
David S. Lavine '62
Richard C. Lavy, M.D. '56 & Numa K. Lavy
Louis S. LeCalsey III '62 & Susan LeCalsey
Andrew H. Lee '98
David H. Lehman, Ph.D. '68, P'01 &
Patsy Lehman P'01
Harry F. Lenhardt, M.D. '34
John E. Lentz
Stephen Lesher
Richard J. Leswing, M.D. '49
F. David Levenbach, Ph.D. '74
Bruce R. Levin '88 & Dorie M. Levin
Brian J. Lewbart '88 & Betsy A. Bender
Edward W. Lieberman, M.D. '58
A. LeRoy Lightner Jr. '42
Arthur E. Lindner, M.D. '50
Jeffrey P. Lindtner '70 & Barbara Lindtner
Paul R. Linfield
Lawrence J. Link '82 & Cynthia Albert Link
Evelyn K. Livingood W 1909
John L. Lobdell '43 & Vera Lobdell
Joseph J. Lombardo, Esq. '58
Mark DePaul Lowery '77 & Sandra W. Lowery
Annie Lyon '01
David J. Magner '80 & Judy Magner
Marjorie Maguire-Krupp, CPA, CIA, CFSA '77
Peggy S. Malnati '82
Richard J. Manfre, Esq. '60 & Marilyn Manfre
Frank E. Manning '42, P'78, G'04 &
Eva L. Manning P'78, G'04
Lois Manton P'76
Aaron J. Martin, Ph.D., Sc.D. '50 & Jean T. Martin
Carl E. Martin '61 & M. Elaine Martin
James S. Martin, M.D. '43
Thomas J. Martin, M.D. '56, P'96 &
Lois D. Martin, D. Min. P'96
William B. Martin, Ph.D. '50
Edward E. Marx, Esq. '48
Kirk R. Marzock '00
Robert W. Masoner '53 & Gladys L. Masoner
Harold C. Mathews '66
Laurence K. May, Esq. '72
Frank & Marjorie McCarthy
Michael F. McConnell P'71
Patricia A. McConnell, C.P.A.'71 &
Michael W. Oliveri, C.P.A
Douglas J. McCormack, Esq. '85
John J. McDermott, Ph.D. P'80
Rosemary Calabrese McDonough '76, P'11, P'18 &
Walter L. McDonough, Esq. '76, P'11, P'18
Lisa L. & Wilson D. McElhinny
Leanne McFalls '83
Kendra Feldman McGuire, Esq. '84
Peter J. Gulia, Esq. '81 & Patti McLaughlin
Heather Belaga McLean '86 & Robert F. McLean
J. Vernon McMiname '46 & Eleanor L. McMiname
Clark M. McSparren Jr., M.D. '55 &
Ethelmae McSparren
Herbert C. Mearig '38
Robert H. Meier III, M.D. '62 & Martha D. Meier
Oliver M. Melton '58
Martha Rappaport Meyers '74
Annette W. Miller, M.Ed. '56
Carl T. Miller '39
Harold T. Miller, Litt.D. '46 & Marcheta A. Miller
Murray J. Miller, M.D. '51 & Renee Eve Miller
George L. Mirick '42
Thomas M. Missimer, Ph.D. '72 & Maria Missimer
Valerie Finfrock Mittl, Ph.D. '81
Raymond M. Montecalvo, M.D. '81 &
Catherine N. Kowal, M.D.
John W. Moore, Ph.D. '61 & Elizabeth Moore
Granville R. Morris, Esq. '68 & Judy Morris
Adrian Morrison, D.V.M., Ph.D. '57 &
Olive R. Morrison
Charles Morrison P'01
Stephen D. Moses, Esq. '55
Wayne S. Mountz Jr. '65 & Susan Mountz
Robert K. Mowrer 1929
Martin Edward Muehe, Esq. '75, P'03
Robert E. Muehe, Esq. '48, P'75, G'03
Jane M. & Paul A. Mueller Jr.
Paul A. Mueller 1921 & Alma Sprecher Mueller
Ralph R. Mueller '59 & Laura Mueller
Sarah M. Muench
Kenneth B. Mumma '80
Michael J. Mumma, Ph.D. '63 & Sage T. Mumma
Brett W. Murphy, Esq. '05
Robert J. Murphy '44 & Adela K. Murphy
Thomas R. Murray Jr. '64
Gordon D. Myers, M.D. '43
Tracy J. Myers '79
Barbara Neal W'39
John L. Neigh, M.D. '55, P'92, G'15 &
Charline W. Neigh P'92, G'15
Conrad W. Nelson '81
Thomas W. Nissley, M.Div. '55
J. Richard Nissley '35 & Anna Ruth Nissley
Paul F. Noble '49 & Mary Noble
Barry N. Nocks, M.D., M.P.H. '59, P'92
Ronald W. Noll '51 & Sara-Ann Noll
Joseph P. Nolt '59 & Marianne S. Nolt
Elizabeth Fisher Norman '74
Robert Alan Norman '75
Mildred H. Norton W'31
J. Ford O'Connor, Esq. '72
Matthew E. Ochs, M.D. '69 & Judith Ochs, M.D.
Kimberly Gasslein Olsan '86, P'18 &
Michael S. Olsan, Esq. '86, P'18
Myra Orkin W'58
Keith A. Orris '81 & Suzanne C. Orris
Emily K. Orzack
Thomas S. Paccioretti '77 & Virginia Hoyt
Muriel K. Padawer
David C. Palmer '62
Dean A. Pappas, M.D. '73 & Denise Pappas
Col. Robert Park, M.D. USMC (Ret.) '54 &
Marjorie M. Park, R.N.
Rachel LaForgia Pavlakis '06
Richard H. Penley '66 & Wendy E. Penley
James B. Peoples, M.D. '67 & Kathleen Peoples
Thomas G. Phillips III, L.H.D. '54 &
Virginia A. Phillips
Pamela Pieper '76
Raymond E. Pierce '49
Carl S. Pike, Ph.D. & Ellen L. Pike
Larry R. Pike '58 & Sandy M. Pike
Carol Pittock W'51, P'81
James F. Pletcher, Ph.D. '57 & Jean M. Pletcher
David M. Plews '73
Karl W. Poorbaugh '51, P'84 &
Mary Ann Poorbaugh P'84
Donald W. Porter '67, G'03 & Marilyn I. Porter
Michael A. Powers '64 & Barbara W. Powers
Dusty Prentiss '71
Stephen H. Price, Esq. '84 &
Jane Anderson Price '85
George W. Prutzman Jr., M.D. '61
M. Robert Queler, Esq. '60 & Judith Queler
Stephen E. Radosh '71
Robin Ann Raskin '76 & Kaare Christian
James F. Reich '60 & Joan D. Reich
Fred J. Reichley '62
Donald Cress Reiley III '61
Donald W. Renn, Ph.D. '53
Kevin F. Rennie, Esq. '80
Frederick Repasky '61
Alice Richardson & Jonathan L. Richardson, Ph.D.
Zachary M. Richardson '77, P'19, P'20 &
Jill W. Richardson P'19, P'20
John C. & Patricia J. Richter P'03
Morris E. Rill '62
Paul H. Ripple, M.D. '43, P'72 &
Carolyn W. Ripple P'72
John F. Ritchotte P'90
Robert P. & Mary P. Rittereiser P'82
Randolph W. Roberts '68 & Ava B. Roberts
Teri C. Robertson '88
Neil A. Robinson, M.D. '56
Bruce M. Rodenberger, M.D. '57, P'84, G'18, G'22, G'23 & Sarah Rodenberger P'84, G'18, G'22, G'23
J. Jerry Rodos, D.O. '55
Stephen G. Romeo, M.D. '58 & Elaine Romeo
Robert L. Roschel, M.D. '54 & Anna M. Roschel
Wayne W. Rosenberger '68, P'05 &
Karen G. Rosenberger P'05
George M. Rosenstein Jr., Ph.D. &
Harriet M. Rosenstein
Anthony L. Ross '91
Alan D. Rothenberg, Esq. '70 &
Candi Rothenberg
Andrew M. Rouse '49
Paul J. Rowan, M.D. '42
Rev. Harry G. Royer '62
J. Gregg Royer '43 & Ethel S. Royer
J. Gordon Rubin, D.D.S. '43
Joel Rubin '50, G'15 &
Carole Epstein, Esq. G'15
John A. Rubinsohn '68 & Lois Rubinsohn
Dorothy Rubright W'39
Theodore H. Rupp, Ph.D. '35 & Earla Rupp
James F. Ruthven '70
Brian T. Rutter '87
Luan M. and Randolph C. Ryder Jr.
Mary Sachs
Elizabeth J. Sadove, Esq. '86
Brian M. Sagrestano, J.D., CFRE
Philip G. Samponaro Sr. '63
Julius L. Sandhaus, M.D. '32
Raymond A. Sanseverino, Esq. '68
Joseph A. Savastio, M.D. '55 & Alice Savastio
George J. Sawyer III '57 & Susanne L. Sawyer
Kenneth Scalet '87
Charles D. Schaeffer Jr., Ph.D. '70
Margaret K. Schafer
C. Kenneth Scheid
Robert M. Schenck '68, P'99
Edith Smith Schiefer '78
Jennifer M. Schlener-Thomas '94
John R. Schmidt '61 & Patty Schmidt
Jill Colford Schoeniger '86 & Eric Schoeniger
John J. Schraff '61
Ronald L. Schrock, P.G. '72 & Susan Schrock
David P. Schuyler, Ph.D.
Samuel G. Scott, M.D. 1920
Paul R. Seaber, Ph.D. '54, P'83
William E. Seachrist '52, P'79, P'91, G’24
Peter S. Seadle, Ph.D.
Lisa Phyllis Seidman '79
Katja Seim, Ph.D. '95 & John Parapatt, Esq. '95
Jack Seville Jr., D.D. '60 & Fanny Lee Seville
Donald V. Shaffner '44
Roger E. Shamel '67 & Susan Shamel
Jack Douglas Shand, Ph.D.
Jewell Shapiro W 1929
Robert G. Sharrar, M.D. '62 & Karen M. Sharrar, M.D.
Helen A. Shaub W'41
Paul Shaub
Louis G. Shenk Jr. '49 & Carolyn E. Shenk
Bernard D. Sherer, M.D. '43
Carin Blomquist Sherman '82
William M. Shue, M.D. '57 & Nelda Shue
Michael E. Sigmond '99
William G. Simeral, Ph.D., Sc.D. '48, G'99, G'01 &
Marion A. Simeral
David L. Simes, M.D. '50 & Patsy Simes
Emmett W. Simpson '41
Jocelyn Jolbitado Sivalingam, M.D. '82
Leonard E. Sklar '56 & Marcia Sklar
Stephen Slogoff, M.D. '64 & Barbara Slogoff
Eugene C. Smith, M.D. '55
Henry B. duP. Smith '84 & June Marshall Smith '86
John W. Smith '57 & Jean Smith
Kenneth F. Smith '55, P'78, G'10 &
Susanne B. Smith P'78, G'10
Lee M. Smith, Esq. '65 & Kristine F. Smith
Ray T. Smith Jr., M.D. '43 & Claire S. Smith
Robert H. Smith '60, P'89, G'25 &
Annelise Smith P'89, G'25
Robert S. Smith, M.D. '61, P'87 & Sheila Smith P'87
Steven R. Smith, J.D., C.F.P. '78
Emma Snavely W'49
Joseph L.K. Snyder 1904
The Rev. Theron M. Snyder '45
A. Adler Sondheimer, M.D. 1917
Dorothy & Keith Spalding, L.H.D.
Robert F. Spangler, D.D.S. '39
Margaret Spencer W'31
Jay R. Stager '56
Devora L. Stager W'56
Wendy Robin Stark '93
Holland W. Starkey
Elizabeth A. Starrantino '08
Andrew P. & Patricia A. Steffan P'93, G'22
Arthur J. Steinhauer '73 & Chatral A'dze '75
James Robert Stets '76
Glenn Stevens, Ph.D.
John M. Stevenson '72
Stephen E. & Patricia T. Stockwell
William R. Stone Jr. '03
Kelly A. Straight, R.N. '01 &
Michael L. Turner, Ph.D.
Joseph W. Strode Jr. '51, G'16 &
Elizabeth D. Strode G'16
Jacob W. Stutzman, M.D. '37 &
Geraldine Stutzman
Marilyn J. Suiter '78
The Honorable Emory C. Swank '42
Emily A. Swonguer, D.C. '00 &
Marc S. Persson, D.C. '00
Richard O. Swope '36
Stacy L. Swymelar '06
Leonard A. & Barbara A. Sylk P'08, P'11, P'14
Greg M. Taffet '76 & Celestine Taffet
Daniel E. Taglioli, Esq. '05 &
Elizabeth Randolph Taglioli '06
Laurence R. Tancredi, M.D. '62
Robert G. Tancredi, M.D., F.A.C.C. '58 &
Roxane Tancredi
Thomas A. Taylor 1924
Shirley I. Thackara P'79
Martine D. Thompson '47 & Alice Thompson
Robert L. Thompson, M.D. '56 & Jane K. Thompson
Franklin L. Tinker Jr. '56
Deena S. Tobias P'90
Edith N. Tonkon W'67
Robert F. Tranbaugh, M.D. '72 &
Margaret H. Tranbaugh
Ethan L. Trexler, M.D. '33
Kevin Troutman '85 & Darlene Troutman
Artemis Tsagaris '76 & John Bruno
Andrew B. Turner, Ph.D. '62
Darrell L. Umberger '91
Wayne M. Ushman, C.F.A. '74
M. Waldron Vail II '74 & Ann E. Vail
Susan Aronoff Van Dolsen '80 &
Edward D. Van Dolsen '80
Lawrence F. Van Horn, Ph.D. '60
James F. Villaume '69
Claude Villee Jr., Ph.D. '37 & Dorothy Villee
Joseph C. Voelker, Ph.D. '69, P'97 &
Cathleen Hess Voelker '75, P'97
Hans R. Voelkl, Ph.D. '51
Louise Walker
Samuel E. Walker '40
Paul W. Ware '72, P'99 & Judy S. Ware P'99
Spencer D. Wareheim
Maurice J. Warnock
Susan L. Washburn '73 & Kristin V. Rehder H'17
James D. Watt Sr., Esq. '66 & Pamela S. Watt
James P. Watts III, M.D. '71, P'03 &
Jo-Anne Michiel Watts '74, P'03
John P. Weaver '58
Matthew D. Weaver '03
J. Arndt Weicksel, Ph.D. '46 & Dorothy Weicksel
Philip G. Weimer Jr. '58
Daniel Hill Weintraub, J.D. '86 & Beth Weintraub
Eugene E. Weise, M.D. '61
J. Calvin Wenger, D.C. '55 & Shirley Wenger
Thomas H. Wentz, Esq. '39 & Mary Jane Wentz
F. Denton Wertz Jr. '47
Helen West W'51
S. Wayne Whitehead, Esq. '53 &
Linda Whitehead
Robin L. & James L. Whitely
Phyllis C. Whitesell P'90, G'16 &
William E. Whitesell, Ph.D. P'90, G'16
James C. Whitten '67
David A. Wickard '85
Joseph R. Wiebush, Ph.D. '41 & Dorothy A. Wiebush
Deborah Manton Wiedemann '76
John W. Wieder III '72, P'97
Hiram L. Wiest, M.D. '42 & Susanne Wiest
Robert F. Willner, D.Min. '64 & Marie Willner
Robert R. Windolph, Ph.D. '64
Stanley H. Wishner, M.D. '61 & Marianne L. Wishner
Chester F. Witmer, Esq. '56 & Dorothea D. Witmer
Donald B. Witmer, M.D. '40
Robert S. Wohlsen '50 & Carolyn Wohlsen
Thomas E. Wolf, D.D.S.
George A. Woodring '61
Emma J. Woodruff W'67
Sue Ellen Woods W'55, P'91
Elizabeth Webber Wurster '08 &
Stephen K. Wurster '08
Arthur W. Wyble Jr. '62
Edward D. Wylam '85
Claude H. Yoder, Ph.D. '62, P'90 &
Carolyn S. Yoder, Ph.D. P'90
S. Aylmer Yoder '48
T. Gerald Yoder '56
James L. York Jr. '57
James F. Young, M.D. '49 & Mary Lou Young
Phillip M. Zabriskie '13
Peter L. Zane '72 & Ellen M. Zane
Gina & Stanley Zeamer
Eleanor Zendt W 1929
Donald R. Ziegler, C.P.A. '54, P'78 &
Suzanne F. Ziegler P'78
Susan Penecale Zolla P'00
John W. Zook '33
Benjamin Franklin Society
About the Benjamin Franklin Society
Old Main Council: $50,000 and above
Mohammed A. Anjarwala '99 & Rabia Zafar, Ph.D.
Jonathan E. Babkow '88 & Maia Rubin
Barbara Ann Barlow, M.D.
Ann Boyd Barshinger W'43
Veronica Miele Beard '94 & Anson H. Beard
William M. Boehme, M.D. '66
Lawrence I. Bonchek, M.D. H'10, P'91, G'28
Rita M. Bonchek, Ph.D. H'10, P'91, G'28
Lawrence G. Braitman, Esq. '80
Roger L. Burtner, Ph.D. '58 & Carol A. Burtner
Arthur R. Clark Jr.
Susan Denny Conner, R.N. P'05 &
W. Edwin Conner, M.D. P'05
Doreen Etingin Davidowitz, Esq. '78, P'14 &
Neil B. Davidowitz, Esq. '78, P'14
Shanni C. Davidowitz '14
Gale & Shelby Davis
Michelle M. de Aldrey '82
Ruth Denlinger W'59
A. Louis Denton, Esq. '80
Julie Lattin DesChamps '93, P’28 &
Matthew N. DesChamps '93, P’28
Winthrop E. Everett, Ph.D. 1927, P'53
Martin E. Everett '53
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Richard D. Fairman '70
Waldo C. Falkener Jr., Esq. '65 & Rita J. Falkener
John E. Fischer '77 & Dorothy J. Fischer
Estate of Adele W. Fox W'34
Robert L. Freedman '70 & Ann Louise Freedman
Wendell L. Funk, M.D. '72
Barbara Garrison W'63
Susan Katz Gervais '95, P'25, P'27 &
Donald G. Gervais Jr., C.F.A. '96, P'25, P'27
Robert F. Groff Jr.
Patricia E. Harris '77 & Mark D. Lebow, Esq.
Brett S. Harwood '71 & Margery Harwood
Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
J. Clair Hess, M.D. '78 & Elizabeth R. Hess
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Mary B. Hyman W'47
Alan R. Ingraham '72 & Diana Ingraham
JoAnn Kahn '73, P'17 & Thomas L. Lyon P'17
Lewis H. Kaminester, M.D. '67 & Vera Kaminester
Leonard M. Klehr, Esq. '72, P'12 &
Susan Kline Klehr '73, P'12
David H. Knoebel '58 & Beverley B. Knoebel
Dena & Samuel Lombardo
Michael I. Mark, Esq. '74
William B. Martin, Ph.D. '50 &
Yvonne C. Martin, Ph.D.
Martha Rappaport Meyers '74 & William L. Meyers
Judith Fishlow Minter P'19 & Mark H. Minter P'19
Pauline B. Moyer W'46
Martin Edward Muehe, Esq. '75, P'03
Matthew N. Muehe '03 & Amy Muehe
Robert E. Mullins, Ph.D. '91 &
Suzanne Gregson Mullins
Matthew J. Murphy '94 & Laura Murphy
John L. Neigh, M.D. '55, P'92, G'15 &
Charline W. Neigh P'92, G'15
Eileen M. Nicholas P'20 &
Stephen J. Nicholas, M.D. P'20
Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation
Lisa S. Portnoy, C.P.A. '83
Anica Rawnsley W'40
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Katherine Quick Rosa '92, P'25 & Carlos Rosa P'25
Robert L. Roschel, M.D. '54 & Anna M. Roschel
Raymond A. Sanseverino, Esq. '68 &
Kimber Frank Sanseverino
Fred R. & Cheryl J. Scarboro P'26
John A. Schnorr, Ph.D. '64
Laurence A. Shadek '72, P'05, P'06 &
Patricia L. Shadek P'05, P'06
Matthew R. Smith '00
Stuart Farwell Smith '77 & Amy L. Reehl P'19
Estate of Joseph L.K. Snyder
Scott A. Sommer, Esq. '85 & Laurie Sommer
William H. Stadtlander '67 & Maggie Stadtlander
Steinman Foundation
Stephen Lesher Trust
Kathy Hay Stine '85 & Craig R. Stine
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Tides Foundation
Deena Tobias P'90
Travelers Insurance Company
Estate of Arthur E. Walters
Paul W. Ware '72, P'99 & Judy S. Ware P'99
Patricia Ross Weis P'85
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Inc.
Jane Woodward
Homer C. Zavalakes '56
Donald R. Ziegler, C.P.A. '54, P'78 &
Suzanne F. Ziegler P'78
Susan P. Zolla P'00 & Alan Bilanin
Diagnothian Council: $25,000 to $49,999
Tracy Calhoun Becker '88, P'16, P'19
Susan Benz P'17 & Philip Caron, Ph.D., M.D. P'17
Niel J. Borrelli, M.D. '62 & Joanne Borrelli
Frederick B. Duckloe '72, P'13 &
Joan M. Duckloe P'13
Douglas H. Evans, Esq. '72 & Sarah E. Cogan, Esq.
Alan L. Fell, Esq. '70 & Millie R. Fell, M.D.
Thomas L. Gipson '65 & Patricia Gipson
Alan S. Glazer, Ph.D. '69
Michael Hershfield, M.D. '63 & Susan B. Hershfield
William H. Jahn III '65 & Sharon D. Jahn
X. Greg Liu, Esq. '93 & Cathy Chen
Douglas J. McCormack, Esq. '85
Kenneth B. Mehlman '88
Peter R. & Jainel M. Morris
George N. Nicholas '07 & Laura Nicholas
Nicholas G. Nicholas '70, P'07 & Sandra K. Nicholas
Elliott Pew '77 & Terry M. Pew
Elizabeth Feldstein Rile '90, P'19 &
Christopher W. Rile, Esq. '91, P'19
Susan Jackson Tressider P'22 &
Richard E. Tressider P'22
Susan Aronoff Van Dolsen '80 &
Edward D. Van Dolsen '80
John F. Weaver '82 & Caroline Weaver
Douglas S. Winter '72 & Bonnie S. Winter
Janice Wittmershaus '78, W'78
Goethean Council: $10,000 to $24,999
Barbara K. Altmann, Ph.D.
Michael T. Arnold '08 & Dana Arnold
Sameer Arora '93 & Bhavya Arora
Reeve Askew, D.C. '66, P'96
Elizabeth G. Atterbury P'01
Reed D. Auerbach, Esq. '80 &
Adrienne Petite Auerbach
K. Scott Auker '95 & Cynthia DeFelice Auker '96
Wanda Pompey Austin, Ph.D. '75 & Wade Austin Jr.
Raymond P. Bain, Ph.D. '75 &
Marlene N. Cole, D.V.M., M.P.H.
Michael I. & Michelle R. Benkowitz P'27
Leonard P. Berger, M.D. '56 & Kari Berger
Joseph F. Berry II '92 & Susan S. Stuard
Roger E. Bolton, Ph.D. '59 & Julia G. Bolton
Katherine Shadek Boyle '81, P'11 &
James P. Boyle P'11
Margery A. Brittain '79
Diane C. Brokenshire
Robert J. Brooks Sr. '66, P'98 &
Susan C. Brooks P'98
Paul R. Brown, Ph.D. '72, P'17 & Joan Fishman P'17
Chris & Sarah Carmichael P'24
Elizabeth A. Casey Burgess P'19 &
James M. Burgess P'19
Jeffrey A. Choney '68 & Pamela Choney
William R. Collins '89 & Robin Collins
Paige A. Costigan '00 & Matthew DeFusco
Karen Sharpless Coviello '86, W'86
Paul Curcio
Donna Peebles Daneman '86 &
David Daneman, Esq. '86
Davis United World College Scholars Program
Yusong Deng '22 & Yiting Yao
Robert V. & Suzanne M. DeSantis P'19, P’23
Joseph S. Doherty '65
Nancy Scattergood Donavan, M.D. '74 &
Peter R. Donavan
Steven M. Dubner '64 & Carolann Dubner
Virginia Finlayson W'64
Franklin & Marshall Football Association
Ellis F. Friedman, M.D. '63 & Irene Stern Friedman
Jennifer C. Galambos, Ed.D. '88
Gibb Foundation
Cindy S. Goodman-Leib '86, P'19 &
Scott D. Leib '87, P'19
Anne E. Grape P'25
Thomas H. Grape P'25 & Mary Grape
Kenneth P. Heaps, M.D. '61 & Judith Warren Heaps
Michael K. Hettleman '57, P'94 &
Barbara G. Hettleman P'94
Elizabeth Alford Hogan '86 & Jedediah K. Hogan '85
O.C. Hognander Jr. '64
William F. Honaman, D.H.L. '55, P'81, P'83, G'25 &
Eleanor Honaman P'81, P'83, G'25
Arthur W. Hooper Jr., Esq. '66 & Nancy Hooper
Catherine N. Jasons, Esq. '76
Richard C. Johnson '68
Andrea & Lloyd H. Jones
Barbara Keil '81
Joshua N. Klatzkin, Esq. '96 & Fernanda Klatzkin
Richard A. Knobelman, M.D. '67
John Kochanowski '70
Hale A. Krasne & Robert M. Krasne, Esq.
Stewart L. Lancaster, M.D. '78, P'13 &
Frances S. Lancaster P'13
David H. Lehman, Ph.D. '68, P'01 & Rollie Jordan
Michael W. & Patricia S. Leigh P'24
Louis Lista '80 & Paul DeVeau
Aris & Marianne Mardirossian P'24
Thomas J. Martin, M.D. '56, P'96 &
Lois D. Martin, D. Min. P'96
Bradley A. Massam, C.P.A. '83 & Barbara J. Massam
Patricia McConnell, C.P.A. '71 &
Michael W. Oliveri, C.P.A.
Carlos A. Miranda '83
Heidi Hoffman Mooney '91 & Matthew A. Mooney
Wayne S. Mountz Jr. '65 & Susan Mountz
Ralph R. Mueller '59 & Laura Mueller
Joy M. Napier-Joyce, Esq. '94 & Keir R. Joyce '94
Kerrey M. Olden, C.P.A. '01 & Dan Olden Jr.
Paul and Marian Gerhart Charitable Fund
Arthur L. Pelberg, M.D., M.P.A. '71 &
Linda H. Pelberg
Ricardo G. Rivers '93 &
Annalai Wheat Rivers, Esq. '03
George M. Rosenstein Jr., Ph.D. &
Harriet M. Rosenstein
Andrew E. Roth, Esq. '00
Andrew M. Rouse '49
Amanda Atterbury Ryan, V.M.D. '01 & Kevin T. Ryan
Mary L. Schapiro, Esq. '77, P'16, P'18 &
Charles A. Cadwell P'16, P'18
Jennifer M. Schlener-Thomas '94 & Roy Thomas
Robert S. Schlossberg, Esq. '79, P'14 &
Helene S. Schlossberg P'14
George H. Schnyder '66 & Lynne Schnyder
Lane D. Schultz, Ph.D., '66, P'96, G'26
Katja Seim, Ph.D. '95 & John Parapatt, Esq. '95
Amit Sinha '00 & Monica Sadhu
Elizabeth Fuller Smith '87 & Andrew Smith
Sharon W. Stamm, Ph.D. '73 &
Jerome B. Zeldis, M.D., Ph.D.
H. Art Taylor, Esq. '80 & Yolanda Taylor
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
Susan L. Washburn '73 & Kristin V. Rehder H'17
Jeffrey Wasserstein, Esq. '80 & Iris Wasserstein
Colleen Ross Weis '85 & Martin S. Laiks
Judith M. White, Ph.D. '73 & Samuel Green
William B. Wright, Ph.D.
Stephen S. Wyckoff '82 & Lori M. Wyckoff
Hartman Council: $5,000 to $9,999
Susanna L. & Dean S. Adler
Thomas H. Anderson, Ph.D. '64 & Jarol De Voge
Joshua D. Arnold, C.F.P. '72
Nicole Porter Ashiru '02 & Oladipo M. Ashiru, Esq. '02
William B. Avery '71, P'09 & Linda C. Andros P'09
Christopher Baldwin, Esq. '65 & Mary Baldwin
Sarah Mullane Becker '98 &
Ryan A. Becker, Esq. '98
Nancy Lautensack Belser, M.D. '80, P'13 &
Paul H. Belser, M.D. '80, P'13
Michael D. Berg '00 & Heather Berg
Richard A. Bidgood, Ph.D. '76 &
Ann R. Steiner, Ph.D.
Catherine A. Blaney-Petralia P'24 &
Michael A. Petralia P'24
Howard L. Blieden '69
Michael J. & Anna Z. Boni P'17
Leon W. Bonner Jr. '65 & Redge R. Meixner
Jeffrey & Sheryl Broadhurst P'26
Andrew J. Brock '90, P'28 & Alexandra Brock P'28
Modia J. Butler '95
Sloan D. Caplan '96 & Rebecca Caplan
Robert D. Carl III, Esq. '75 & Anne Currie
Helaine Chairnoff W'88
Hugh & Hedda Chairnoff P'88
Joseph M. Corvasce, M.D. '68 & Sarah Corvasce
Joshua R. De Leon, M.D. '84, P'17 &
Giovanna De Leon, M.D. P'17
Ellen Frevel DiMayo '79 & Michael A. DiMayo '79
Donegal Trout Unlimited
Amy Kinsey Dooley '77 & Larry P. Dooley
Mark William Drinkwater '90 &
Deborah L. Drinkwater '92
Jennifer J. Dubow, Esq. '04
Robert L. Eddy Jr., Esq. '66 & Barbara Allen Eddy
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Robert B. Falk Jr., M.D. '67 & Carol Falk
Deborah Fins P'20 & Donald S. Strait P'20
Thomas J. & Meira P. Fleisch P'16
Lawrence Goldstein, Esq. '57 & Rosa Goldstein
Darrell E. Haile, Ph.D. '70 & Annette Alpert, M.D.
Glenn R. & Leila Hardy P'27
William B. Harford Jr. '85 & Suni P. Harford
Brian S. & Sara Jane Harris P'23
Eugene Harsh, USAF (Ret.) '54
Donald J. Hendler '67 & Adrienne Hendler
Brenda S. Hillard W'59
Akiko Hirose P'14 & Barry Silver P'14
Robert I. Hood '63 & Denise Hood
Susan M. Hovanec '92
Nancy L. Hyman
Thomas H. Insley '72 & Wanda Insley
Glenn F. Jorgensen '75, P'15 &
Elizabeth Ryan Jorgensen '76, P'15
Matthew H. Kamens, Esq. '73 &
Elizabeth G. Kamens
Randall & Frostine Katchis P'23
Charles W. & Andrea Katter P'14
Jeffrey F. Kelly '76
Donald S. Kent '76 & Martha F. Kent
Henry G. Kirn Jr., C.F.A., C.P.A. '93 &
Anne M. Mascarenhas '94
Richard Kneedler, Ph.D. '65, P'98 &
Suzette G. Kneedler P'98
Eileen A. Koolpe W'69
Arjun Krishnan '02 & Allegra Stanley Krishnan
Nancy Kuehn W'56
Jeffrey A. Lamia, Ph.D. '66 & Elaine H. Arnold
Roger C. Lark '65 & Linda Lark
Stephen D. Lasday, D.P.M. '87 & Renae C. Lasday
Larry P. Laubach, Esq. '77 & Michelle Laubach
Timothy Lawler P'25 & Amy T. Loftus P'25
Lewis A. Lipsitz, M.D. '73 &
Louise Preston Lipsitz '74
Estate of Evelyn K. Livingood
Thomas C. Lockburner Sr., C.P.A. '62
Ira M. Lubert & Pam Estadt
Douglas M. Lurio, Esq. '78, P'11 &
Margaret Sherry Lurio, Esq. P'11
David E. & Melissa K. Mangum P'24
Brad & Jennifer S. Melvin P'26
Phyllis A. Mondelli, C.P.A. '76 & Paul Pazniokas
John W. Moore, Ph.D. '61 & Elizabeth Moore
Julie Vaughan Murchinson '92 & Jon Murchinson
Ronald G. Nahass '08 & Jennifer D. Nahass
Lois Lucente Narr, D.O. '86 &
Frank J. Narr Jr., C.P.A. '86
Kimberly Gasslein Olsan '86, P'18 &
Michael S. Olsan, Esq. '86, P'18
James Outten '01
Mariah Payne '98 & Christopher D. Payne '00
Robert B. Pepinsky, Ph.D. '76 & Laurelee Osborn
Sandy M. Pike W'58
Lynn A. Polakoff-Baine '79 & Brian Baine
Beth J. Polish '81 & Philip Friedman
Harry Ridenour Jr., C.P.A. '63 & Carolyn Ridenour
Jane Rigg
Susan Moss Ringler, Esq. '77
Meryl Rockefeller W'67
Paul S. Rosica '86, P'18, P'21, P'23 & Elizabeth H. Rosica P'18, P'21, P'23
Edward Rubinstein, C.P.A. '68 & Pamela Rubinstein
Thomas A. & Georgina T. Russo
Dale S. High Foundation
Jean M. Samii W'61
Robert M. Schenck '68, P'99 & Alice Schenck P'99
Edward T. Schneider Jr. '14
Ronald L. Schrock '72
Richard D. Schubert, M.D. '68, P'03 & Geanne L. Schubert P'03
Matthew A. Shearer '93 & Colleen Shearer
Jane Kimmel Shepardson '83 &
Robert T. Shepardson '83
Scott D. & Joanne L. Silverman P'27
William R. Simmons '83 & Deidre W. Simmons
Kenneth T. Snyder II & Karen Joyce Godley
Arthur J. Steinhauer '73 & Chatral A'dze '75
Robert S. Sterling, M.D. '90 & Charlee Sterling
Louise L. Stevenson, Ph.D. &
Philip D. Zimmerman, Ph.D.
James & Eryn Tandler P'24
Charles F. Walter, M.D. '58, P'91 & Barbara Walter
Karen E. Ware '88 & Kevin Scallan
Joel A. & Debby L. Wattenbarger P'26
Abigail C. Watts-FitzGerald, Esq. '74 &
Thomas Watts-FitzGerald
Rebecca L. Weisel P'26
Phyllis C. Whitesell P'90, G'16 &
William E. Whitesell, Ph.D. P'90, G'16
Wade T. Winter, C.F.A. '80 & Gaia G. Winter
Benjamin J. Winter '67 & Susan R. Winter
Frances Donnelly Wolf '96 & Thomas W. Wolf
Distler Council: $2,500 to $4,999
Michael A. & Jennifer L. Albero P'27
Maripat Quirk Alpuche, Esq. '87 &
Doug Alpuche, C.P.A.
John H. Backman, M.D. '57 & Alicia Gavalya, M.D.
Henry W. Baird '74
Richard C. Barth, Ph.D. '71 & Carol A. Barth
Robert R. & Sheryl D. Bellick P'26
Darren B. Bernhard, Esq. '83 & Amy Bernhard
Dennis W. & Jennifer J. Brinkley P'21
Mark E. & Kathryn D. Brown P'26
John K. Bury '66 & Carol Bury
Alexander G. Calder P'24
Douglas V. Cannaliato '96 & Gina P. Cannaliato
Cecelia Higgins Cannizzaro '72 &
Gerald Cannizzaro
James Cannon
Kelly M. Cannon P'27 & Aaron Dean P'27
Yuk Har Cheung P'27 & Nyen Fui Choo P'27
Bradley D. Cobb '85 &
Gudrun Loercher Cobb, M.D. '87
John C. Conti Jr. '79 & Elaine Conti
Christine Corkran Kretkowski, Esq. '05 &
Keith Kretkowski
David B. Corman '69
Linda J. Cortese '90 & James Curtis
Cozen O'Connor Foundation, Inc.
William P. Cracas '65, P'92 & Janna Cracas
Akilah F. Craig '09 & Charles Grutzmacher
Michael A. DeCola '75 & Lee F. DeCola
Michael T. Dee '85 & Karen C. Dee
Christie Del Rey-Cone, Esq. '99 &
Jason T. Cone '99
Christopher P. & Clare D. Dowd P'25
Estate of Edith Downs
Susan Dubner W'64, P'92
Matthew J. & Carolyn A. Durnan P'25
Katharine Eaton W'55
Henry A. Eberle Jr. '55
Hilary J. Eppley, Ph.D. '91 & David C. Murray '91
Jay M. Epstein, D.M.D. '80, P'11, P'14, P'19 & Stephanie J. Simon '81, P'11, P'14, P'19
Palmer C. Evans, M.D. '63 & Sara E. Evans
Scott J. & Jayme R. Feldman P'26
Bruce W. Firkins '73 & Diane Firkins
Andrew V. Foley '13
Lonnie E. Fuller Jr., M.D. '84 &
Kimberly Walker, M.D.
Eric H. Gable '85 & Peggy Carson-Gable
Alice Matsas Garten '89 &
Morris L. Garten, Esq. '89
Donald P. Gazibara, M.D. '53 & Barbara Gazibara
Richard Gherst II, C.P.A. '64, P'89 &
Eleanor Gherst P'89
Thomas K. & Kathryn P. Glennan P'13
Madeleine Glick P'26
Theodore S. Golfinopoulos '88 &
Eve Golfinopoulos
Cynthia C. Gorman
Herbert B. Gregory '70
Jeannine Lehmer Groff '73 &
Gerald D. Groff, M.D., '73
James D. Hagelgans, Esq. '79 &
Gale Zorian-Hagelgans
Hamilton Club of Lancaster
Melissa L. Hansen, M.D. '03
Qing He '95 & Zhenqing Wu, M.D. '96
Walter J. Henderson Jr. '66
James D. Hettleman '94
Hillel International
Peter A. Holmes, Ph.D. '63 & Nan Holmes
Elizabeth Schrader Hougen, C.M.A. '83 &
Murray L. Hougen
Ilias A. Islamov '02
Patricia A. Jackson '94 &
Eric J. Sheridan, Esq. '94
Richard Jensen G'24
Peter J. Kastor, Ph.D. '89 &
Shannon Lopata Kastor
Douglas H. Kauffman '81 &
Cheryl McComsey Kauffman '82
Jason P. & Jennifer R. Keefer P'27
John M. Kelly, Esq. '83
Michael J. & Cherise C. Kelly P'24
Kelt Kindick '76, P'07 & Risa Kaplan
W. Fred Kinsey III, Ph.D. P'77 &
Carol M. Thompson
Neil D. Klar '68 & Eileen Klar
Michael S. Kushner, Esq. '77
Barry S. Lafer, Esq. '69 & Jill Lafer
Neal R. Langerman, Ph.D. '65 & Sharron Sussman, M.D.
James E. Lapine '71 & Sarah M. Kernochan
Amy T. Layman
Roger J. Lee '71 & Jeraldine Lee
Mark D. Lewis '77
Rob & Shannon Mackenzie P'27
Fred S. Marshall '70, P'12 & Sheila Marshall P'12
Carl E. Martin '61 & M. Elaine Martin
Elizabeth Melneck Mauer '79 &
James H. Mauer Jr. '79
Laurence K. May, Esq. '72 & Anne K. May
Lisa L. & Wilson D. McElhinny
Chris McElwee
Susan Bowen McKay '80, P'19
Clark M. McSparren Jr., M.D. '55
Raymond M. Montecalvo, M.D. '81 &
Catherine N. Kowal, M.D.
Thomas R. Murray Jr. '64 & Christine C. Murray
Joel D. Neigh '92 & Carla Hetzel
Robert J. Olender, Esq. '73 & Candace Olender
Dale W. Oller, M.D. '64 & Susan G. Oller
J. Eric Olson, Esq. P'05
Richard M. Ossoff '71 & Heather Fenton
Paul R. Peel, Ed.D. '62 & Lois E. Peel
Marc W. Rapuano, Esq. '00 & Elizabeth Rapuano
Robert S. Ream, M.D. '82 & Sheryl S. Ream, M.D.
Peter & Gillian G. Rittmaster P'22
Jacqueline Jabara Robinson '90 &
William C. Robinson
Joanne Moskaluk Rodgers '89 & Nicholas Rodgers
Katie G. Rouff-Ward, C.F.P., M.B.A., C.I.M.A. '99 & John A. Ward IV
Alison D. Salmon '86 & Walter Heard
Philip G. Samponaro Sr. '63
Louis W. Sanders, Esq. '64 & Marion Sanders
Gregory M. Schramm '93 & Patty Schramm
Laura Sebastian-Coleman, Ph.D. '84 &
George Sebastian-Coleman, Ph.D.
Brian Seidman P'25
Jay R. Shapiro, M.D. '53 & Judith Shapiro
Jean M. Sharf
Jan Shimabukuro P'27 &
Pentson Y. Sugamura P'27
David C. Sickel '69 & Susan Sickel
Marte V. & Paul S. Singerman
Joseph T. Slunt '88 & Katine Mozak Slunt '89
Lawrence F. Smith, V.M.D. '65
Rebecca G. Smith '94, P'27 &
Drew T. Matus P'27
William I. Smulyan, M.D. '65 & Mollie Smulyan
Richard W. Snyder '71 & Anita Gould
Kelly A. Straight, R.N. '01 &
Michael L. Turner, Ph.D.
Glen R. Stuart, Esq. '81, P'09, P'17 &
Susan Stuart P'09, P'17
Guillermo A. & Claire Sucre P'26
Joseph R. Takats III, D.O. '65
Allan Tasman, M.D. '69 & Cathy Tasman
David G. Taylor '81 & Rhonda Taylor
Priscilla Muntemba Taylor P'24 &
Scott D. Taylor P'24
Estate of Thomas A. Taylor 1924
The Christian & Mary Lindback Foundation
The Lancaster County Community Foundation
Roger D. K. Thomas, Ph.D. & Anna L. Thomas
William P. Thompson '72
Robert F. Tranbaugh, M.D. '72 &
Margaret H. Tranbaugh
Robert W. Tunnell III '03 &
Mindi Moore Tunnell, Esq.
Wayne M. Ushman, C.F.A. '74 &
Suzan Shapiro, Esq.
Wynne Pomeroy Waller, Ph.D. '92, P'24 & Gregory Waller P'24
Barry S. Walters, M.D. '72 & Leslie Walters
Robert O. Walton Jr. '62 & Martha Walton
Marc K. Walton, M.D., Ph.D. '75 & Tova Walton
Daniel I. Weber, M.D. '76 & Nina M. Castillo '77
Ned E. Wehler, P.G. '72, P'05 &
Mary Ann Wehler P'05
Richard Weinhold
Norman H. Werthwein, C.P.A. '67 &
Frances Werthwein
Robin L. & James L. Whitely
David A. Wickard '85 & James R. Fairburn
Richard A. Wilhelm '74
Deborah E. G. Wolin, Esq. '81
Michael B. Wood, M.D. '65 & Marilee Wood
Jane L. Beers Zboray '76 &
James A. Zboray, Esq.
Keiper Council: $1,787 to $2,499
John S. Alexander, USN (Ret.) '36
Stanley L. Altmark, C.P.A., C.F.P. '84 & Jill Altmark
Timothy D. Armbruster, Ph.D. '66
Robert E. Ash Jr. '91
Robert C. Azarow, Esq. '83 & Amy Stone Azarow '84
Leonard Bachman, M.D. '46
Gail F. Baum, Esq. '78
Ira A. & Edith M. Beer P'27
Charles G. Bickford, Ph.D. '63, P'96 &
Barbara Bickford P'96
Richard A. Block, M.D. '70 & Janice Block
Ira Bodenstein, Esq. '77 & Julia Smith
John L. Bondi, M.D. '64 & Evelyn Bondi
Holly Boyd P'27 & Sohail Syed P'27
Wendy & Morton Branzburg
Michael L. Brummer '87 & Bonni Brummer
Dennis S. Buchan '65 & Mary B. Buchan, Ph.D.
Robert P. Byelick, Esq. '72 & Barbara B. Byelick
Stephen A. & Sharon L. Caffrey P'23
Charles R. Chaney, M.D. '67
Vanessa Christman '83 & David J. Newman '85
Christopher I. Clark, Esq. '93
John L. Clark, M.D. '67
John H. Clark '62 & Merrily Clark
Walter A. Clebowicz, Esq. '73
Sarah Hedberg Collings '79
Bruce J. Croushore '69 & Michele Hilmes
William H. Curtis '61
Steven M. Curwin, Esq. '80 &
Lisa Barban Curwin, Ph.D. '82
Dennis P. DiRenzo, M.D. '76, P'12 &
Judith Reed DiRenzo, C.P.A. '78, P'12
Nancy Silva Donovan '79 & John Donovan
Michael A. Drury '88 & Sheri L. Drury
Raynor B. Duncombe, Esq. '65 &
Janice Duncombe
David E. Eby, Ph.D. '69, P'95, G'25 &
Lynn M. Taylor
Elizabeth A. Eide, Ph.D. '88
John & Domenica Elbasan P'23
Matthew O. Elkes '77 &
Michele Di Pasquale Elkes '78
Maria DiStravolo Elliott, Esq. '87
David M. Fenster, D.M.D. '73, P'09 &
Cathy Becker Fenster
Timothy W. Ferris '89
Aaron S. Fink, M.D. '70 & Vicki Porter-Fink
Thomas M. Fishbein, M.D. '85 &
Veronica Gomez-Lobo, M.D.
Richard J. Fleder, C.L.U. '76 & Mindy Fleder
Peter A. Flynn '99 & Janet Flynn
P. Douglas Folk, Esq. '77 & Cynthia Lasko
Paul D. Friedman, Esq. '75 & Dene R. Friedman
Rufus A. Fulton Jr. '66 & Judith Fulton
Gregg S. Gagliardi, M.D. '97 & Carrie Burns, M.D.
David R. Gale, C.L.U. '66 & Sally Gale
Kitty & William R. Gamber II
Kathy Sweren Garber '80 &
Andrew H. Garber, C.P.A. '80
Steven M. Gevarter, Esq. '73 & Karen Gevarter
Joseph Gianfortoni, M.D. '73 &
Emily Wells Gianfortoni
Robert D. Glidden Jr. '69, P'99 &
Eileen Glidden P'99
Gary E. Glontz, M.D. '58 & Jean Glontz
Anthony D. Gold '67 & Carolyn Gold
Roy Goldman, Ph.D. '69 & Georgia Goldman
Elizabeth Goldman P'21 &
Stephen M. Kotran P'21
Jennifer A. Gomez '95 & David C. Jiang
Dudley R. Gordon, M.D. '73, P'05 &
JoAnne Gordon, M.D. P'05
Gerald B. Gordon, M.D. '56 & Lois Gordon
Nathaniel Green '73, P'99 & Millicent A. Green P'99
Lynn J. Greenberg '14
Richard J. Grissinger '92 & Anne P. Grissinger
Brian K. Guthrie '91 & Melissa Guthrie
Cherise Y. Hamblin, M.D. '03 & Shaun Murphy
Kathleen E. Harring, Ph.D. '80, P'11 &
John Wittenbraker, Ph.D. P'11
John C. Herrold, Esq. '67 & Janice Herrold
Barbara A. Hipkins '90
Kenneth & Diane R. Hipkins P'90
Mark A. Hoffman, Esq. '87, P'26 &
Hilary Hoffman, Esq. P'26
Geoffrey H. Hornbeck '67 & Ann E. Hornbeck
Robert C. Hunsicker, M.D. '62 &
Jeanne Hunsicker
John A. Hyman '83 & Merri B. Hyman
Steven Idell, M.D., Ph.D. '73 &
Joanne Pereira Idell '75
Todd H. Jacobs '07 &
Haylee S. Zirman Jacobs '10
Shawn M. Jenkins ‘10
Robert J. Kafin, Esq. '63 & Carol Kafin
Debra Amper Kahn '75 & James Kahn, Esq.
Andrew G. Kallman '84 &
Ilene Friedland Kallman
Claudia E. Katz '88 & Scott Vanzo
Megan Keller & William J. Keller
Toyja E. Kelley, Esq. '98, P'26
Mary Bennett Kellmanson '89 &
Jeffrey S. Kellmanson '89
Kelly E. Kennedy, M.Ed. '04 & David Sweeney
David L. Kershner, Esq., Ph.D. '83, P'17 &
Rhonda Sullivan Kershner '84, P'17
Frederick L. Killian, Ph.D. '63 & Ella Killian
Shane K. Kim, M.D. '97
Harvey E. Klehr, Ph.D. '67, P'09 & Marcy Steinberg P'09
Eli Klehr
Peter W. Knipe '71 & Janet Knipe
King T. Knox '65 & Debra Knox
Eric P. Kohlsaat '85 & Jennifer Kohlsaat
Bradley H. Koizumi, M.D. & Heidi Koizumi
Mark M. Kramer, M.D. '72 & Andrea Kramer
Gwin M. Krouse, Esq. '75
Laura D. Kubzansky, Ph.D. P'24 &
Dean M. Murphy, Ph.D. P'24
Michael A. Lampert, M.D. '75, P'10 &
Darlene Jody, M.D. P'10
Marcia Stribling Larsen '81 & Thomas B. Larsen
Burton M. Leibert, Esq. '66 & Ruth Leibert
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D. '65, P'99 &
Agnes F. Leshner P'99
Joel J. Levy, Esq. '67 & Carol Levy
Brian J. Lewbart '88 & Betsy A. Bender
Sandford Lindenbaum, Esq. '70 &
Leslie S. Lindenbaum
Jeffrey A. Lins, M.D. '78
Jay S. Lupin, M.D. '74 & Judy Lupin
Ellen Elwell Lutrey '80 & Scott Lutrey
Anthony J. & Lisa C. Magliocco P'24
Lloyd S. Mailman, Esq. '51 & Nancy Mailman
James & Ann Margaret Mannix P'26
Melissa Kofsky Margulies, Esq. '84 &
Stuart A. Margulies '84
Joel L. Marmar, M.D. '60 &
Alexis M. Berg, Esq. P'93
Todd C. Marshall '92, P'27 &
Lynda E. Shaheen P'27
Joanne Bell Martucci '79 & Louis J. Martucci '79
Richard J. Mason, M.D. '83 & Betsy Mason, M.D.
Alexander Massengale, M.D. '65 &
Ker A. Massengale
Justin C. Mazur '97
Mary M. McCaa W'58
Kevin M. McCormack, C.P.A. '71 &
Nancy McCormack
Elizabeth F. Meyer, Esq. '76 & Scott W. MacKay
Jeffrey D. Morgan '80 & Molly Morgan
Granville R. Morris, Esq. '68 & Judy Morris
Grace & J. Roger Moyer
Richard L. Munk, M.D. '67 & Dorothy Munk
Brett W. Murphy, Esq. '05 & Jake Natalini, M.D.
Sandra Alpert Nachlis '94 & Brian Nachlis '94
Michelle Reinke Neblett '00 & Ronald V. Neblett
Andrew R. Nehrbas '75 & Danna Nehrbas
Matthew E. Ochs, M.D. '69 & Judith Ochs, M.D.
MaryEllen Olatta '74
John T. Parsons '67 & Pauline Parsons
Camille Miller Pedraza, Esq. '87 & Oscar Pedraza
John A. & Grace M. Pelusi P'18, P'22
Richard H. Penley '66 & Wendy E. Penley
Janet Peterson, P.G. '78 &
Larry C. Peterson, Ph.D.
John Plodinec, Ph.D. '68 & Louise Plodinec
Frederick A. Polner, Esq. '71, P'13 &
Margaret S. Clark, Ph.D. '73, P'13
Bruce W. Puerling '66, P'91 & Ann Puerling
Carrie E. Rampp & Heidi Schuerger
Phillip A. Raspe Jr. '56
Robert A. Renken '73 & Mary Ann Renken
Frederick Repasky '61 & Sandra Repasky
Ava B. Roberts W'68
Andrew W. Robertson, Ph.D. '73 &
Wendy Wall, Ph.D.
Michael A. Roman, Esq. '73 &
Catherine Cross Roman '77
Harry M. Roth, Esq. '80 & Lisa Heller-Roth, M.D.
Scott M. Russell '83 & Stephen Whitlock
Brian T. Rutter '87
Gerold L. Schiebler, M.D. '50 &
Audrey L. Schiebler
William M. Schulman, M.D. '70, P'09, P'14 & Barbara A. Schulman P'09, P'14
Daniel M. Searby P'24
Stephen H. Sedgwick '68 & Anne Sedgwick
Laura Seybold '84
William G. Sharrar, M.D. '62 & Mary C. Sharrar
John J. Sheaffer II, D.M.D. '66, P'96, P'99 &
Sharon Sheaffer P'96, P'99
Michael E. Sigmond '99
Christine A. Souders '78
Stephanie L. Squires P'26
Stephen David Staman '83 &
Michelle Cantwell, D.M.D.
Wendy Robin Stark '93
Nadine Fitzwilliam Steffan '92, P'22 &
Alexander P. Steffan, Esq. '93, P'22
Gary S. Stephen, C.P.A. '73, P'05, P'08 &
Lois M. Stephen P'05, P'08
Barbara E. & Timothy J. Stewart '64, P'95
Marc J. Straus, M.D. '65, P'92 &
Livia S. Straus, Ph.D. P'92
Shane D. Sunday '08
Emily A. Swonguer, D.C. '00 &
Marc S. Persson, D.C. '00
Beverly Ann Tarulli, Ph.D. '76
John M. Tichy '73
Jesus A. Trevino, Esq. '96 & Yvonne Trevino
Kevin Troutman '85 & Darlene Troutman
Richard H. Tuck, M.D. '68 & Cynthia B. Tuck
Michael E. Urio, C.P.A. '76 &
Karen Nurmi Urio '77
Mary E. Vachris '76
Joseph C. Voelker, Ph.D. '69, P'97 &
Cathleen Hess Voelker '75, P'97
Joseph A. Ward, C.P.A. '72 & Sue Ward
Stephen P. Weiner '79 & Katherine Weiner
Donald J. Weinstein, Ph.D. '66 &
Donna Weinstein
Christy Barr Wenger '94 &
Geoffrey C. Wenger '94
Walter L. Wentz '74
Mark R. Werley, M.D. '03 & Elizabeth B. Werley
Donald E. Wieand Jr., Esq. '73 & Megan Wieand
Deidre Waltzer Wiener '87 &
Bradley D. Wiener, M.D. '87
Austin D. Williams, M.D. '07 & Brandon Sargent
Donald U. Wise, Ph.D. '53 & Nancy Wise
Robert A. Zirinsky, Esq. '75
Frederick P. Zoerner '70 & Sandra Zoerner
Julia M. Bernstein '22
Jennifer L. Dickey '14
Krisztina I. Gabor '19
Charlotte K. Katter '14
Daniel T. Kelleher '23
Benjamin C. Martin '16
Braeden McCarthy '23
Jessie G. Parsons Bohonnon '14 and Cody Bohonnon
Isaac D. Rockower '23
Thanh D. Tran '22
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More Alumni and Philanthropy Stories
March 11, 2025
Supporting Future Diplomats
“I look back and appreciate my time as a student-athlete at F&M, and I want to support that for future F&M students,” Jennifer Dubow ’04 says. “Through my work, I've seen how athletic departments are never fully funded, even though many from the outside would assume that they are. I see all the good work that coaches and administrators do for these young people and want to contribute to F&M being a great place for student-athletes to have an amazing collegiate experience while getting a high-quality education.”
February 12, 2025
Ensuring the Success of the College That Brought Them Together
Katja Seim ’95 and John Parapatt ’95 met for the first time at F&M in 1992. More than 30 years later, the two demonstrate gratitude for the college that brought them together through philanthropy. “Our giving is motivated by a desire for other students to have the opportunities that we had, including financial support,” Parapatt said.
November 18, 2024
F&M Remembers Benefactor and Trustee Emerita Patricia G. Ross Weis P’85
Patricia G. Ross Weis P’85, who served on the F&M Board of Trustees for 16 years and whose gifts enhanced both residential and academic life at the College, died Oct. 30. She was 94.