How F&M Does Social Sciences

Social sciences study the human-made world: how people interact, how we build social institutions and how our lives are affected by larger patterns of inequality and opportunity. Subjects like anthropology, history, sociology, economics, government, and more are part of the social sciences.

Social sciences study the human-made world: how people interact, how we build social institutions and how our lives are affected by larger patterns of inequality and opportunity. Subjects like anthropology, history, sociology, economics, government, public health, public policy, business, organizations and society and more are considered part of the social sciences.

The way we teach the social sciences at F&M shapes minds, builds curiosity, launches careers and has an impact on students for a lifetime.

Working side-by-side with deeply engaged faculty on innovative social research projects — whether it be interviewing urban migrants on a study abroad program in Latin America, discovering long-neglected aspects of Lancaster’s history in local archives, designing a survey on people’s health practices or investigating your own ideas about educational reform, you’ll develop a specialized understanding of societies and the human impact on our world.

Excavation Site by J Rojas '23

Out-of-the-Classroom Learning

When you study social sciences at F&M, you’ll have opportunities to go beyond the classroom and step into the societies you’re studying. You can put what you’ve learned to practice through field study and research opportunities, internships and more. Social sciences students have engaged in research projects in F&M’s home city of Lancaster, as well as Spain, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and New Zealand.

Explore experiential learning at F&M

Careers in the Social Sciences

After graduating from F&M, many of our students pursue advanced degrees in a variety of social science disciplines at leading programs around the world. Other students leverage the skills they've gained from the sciences — analyzing, writing, collaborating with others, and critical thought among others — and find success in careers in business, healthcare, medicine, social work, law, government, international relations, education and more.

Explore success beyond F&M »

See Social Sciences at F&M in Action

June 12, 2024

Success Beyond F&M: ‘Within One Month, I Knew I Was Going to Be Successful’

Samantha “Sammi” Perry ’23 shares how F&M prepared her both academically and socially to thrive in her pursuit of a master’s degree in political communications. “I am thrilled to be doing so well in the master’s program due to my F&M experience, but also to my perseverance,” she said.

June 10, 2024

Attorney's Passion Paves Way for Students

An F&M grant enabled Karla Avelino ’01 to return to her Central American birth country and discover a passion for immigration law. Now, she's paving the way for current and future students to find their potential.

May 23, 2024

Ten Faculty Earn Tenure, Promotion

At its May meeting, the Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the recommendations of the Professional Standards Committee and the Provost, granting four F&M faculty tenure and promotion to associate professor, while six others were promoted to full professor.